07 August 2024

Ukraine Labor Resource Survey | Ukrainian Center for Economic and Political Studies @ Razumkova

The survey was conducted from 6 to 12 June 2024 by face-to-face in all regions of Ukraine (except for the temporarily occupied territories and territories where hostilities are taking place).

Labor resources for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine (June 2024)

  August 7, 2024

Results of a sociological survey conducted by the Razumkov Center's sociological service from June 6 to 12, 2024 with the support of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Ukraine.

The face-to-face survey was conducted in Vinnytsia, Volinsky, Dnipropetrovsk, Zhytomyr, Zakarpatska, Zaporizhia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kyiv, Kirovogradska, Lviv, Mykolayivska, Odessa, Poltava, Rivne, Sumy, Ternopil, Kharkiv, Herson, Khmelnytsky, Cherkasy, Chernihiv, Chernivtsi oblasts and the city of Kyiv (in Zaporizhia, Mykolayiv, Kharkiv, Kherson oblasts 

Ukrainian Center for Economic and Political Studies. AT. Razumkova 

The survey was conducted according to 

  • a stratified multi-stage sample using random selection in the early stages of sampling and 
  • quota method of selection of respondents at the final stage (when the selection of respondents by sex-age quotas). 
The structure of the sample population reproduces the demographic structure of the adult population of the areas where the survey was conducted, as of the beginning of 2022 (by age, sex, type of settlement).

2016 respondents aged 18 and over were interviewed. Theoretical sampling error does not exceed 2.3%. 

At the same time, additional systematic deviations of the sample may be due to the consequences of Russian aggression, in particular, the forced evacuation of millions of citizens.

Problems of the labor market and employment

The main problems that currently exist in the labor market of Ukraine, citizens who participated in the study, include — mobilization of employees — 73%, staff deficit — 53%, outflow of qualified personnel abroad — 48%, shadowing of economic relations — 26% and disparities in the salary expectations of candidates and financial opportunities of business — 22%. 19% reported the readiness of recruiters and employers to cooperate with candidates over 40 years of age. 

The new mobilization rules have significantly affected all sectors of the labor market in Ukraine, but are particularly problematic where most of the labor force is traditionally male.

Lack of staff and measures to overcome it

On the question Is there a shortage of staff at the company where you are currently working 66% of men and 55% of women reported a shortage of qualified and unskilled professionals of all qualifications (skilled and unskilled), including 30% reporting a significant shortage of all qualifications, 24% — on the shortage of qualified specialists. 32% said there was no shortage of staff.

To the question, Poh in your opinion, it is necessary to overcome the shortage of staff in Ukraine 54% responded that the necessary retraining of employees and redistribution of responsibilities in the labor team, 52% — drew attention to the need to disseminate programs to attract young professionals and encourage the return of Ukrainian citizens to Ukraine, currently abroad, 53% consider it appropriate to develop training and adaptation programs for older workers and the adaptation of jobs and employment conditions for older workers and workers with disabilities. One-fifth (22%) called for the need to automate production processes.

At the same time, only 15% approve of the involvement of women in men's professions.

Almost not at all enjoys the support of Ukrainian citizens to attract labor from other countries (6.6%).

Incentives for the return of citizens from abroad

To the question of whether to encourage the return of Ukrainian citizens from abroad to introduce special incentives and preferences for them, 63% of respondents gave a positive answer. 17% said that such incentives were not needed, and 20% find it difficult to answer whether such incentives are needed by the state or not.

Employment intentions

On the question Do you think about changing jobs 71% said they do not plan to change their jobs now, 17% intend to change jobs and 12% cannot give an unambiguous answer.

  • Among those who do not work (for various reasons) 60% said that they do not plan and are not ready in principle to go to work. Only 31% of non-working respondents are ready to work. 78% of respondents do not even pike work. In terms of gender among the unemployed, 34% of men and 29% of women are ready to go to work. Only 16% of respondents do not work for those who do not currently work. Among them, 20.5% of men and only 14% of women are looking for work.

On the question What problems do you face when looking for a job 56% answeredthat the main problem is the low level of wages for existing vacancies, 52% indicated the lack of work by profession and 34% — the lack of skills and competencies required by the employer.

Among those who are ready to work and look for work, 52% are ready to retrain for retraining and new skills, 46% — additionally study, 39% — are ready to learn a foreign language, 34% change the procession, 26% are ready to work in another country, and 25% are ready to work in another region of Ukraine.

On the question What concessions regarding working conditions are you ready to go when looking for work among those who work 32% and 16% among non-workers are willing to discuss working conditions, but give in only certain conditions, 17% of employees and 12% will agree to work only on their own terms of work, and only 4.5% of both workers and non-workers are ready for any job and any working conditions.

At the same time, 22% said they were ready to work on physically difficult jobs, and 12% on harmful jobs.

Involvement in the labor market of employees 60+

Regarding the likely possibility of raising the retirement age in Ukraine, 58% of respondents said that the negative consequences of raising the retirement age will outweigh the possible positive, 16% of respondents believe, that raising the retirement age will have approximately the same positive and negative consequences, and only 7% said that raising the retirement age in Ukraine can be seen as a forced step, and its positive consequences will outweigh the negative ones.

On the question By what age are you ready to work 29% answered — up to 60 years, 12% — ready to work up to 61–65 years, 3% — up to 66–70 years and 15% — up to 50–59 years. At the same time, 20% said that I can not or are not ready to work at all.

The vast majority of respondents agree with the thesis that Speaking of older workers (55 years or more), then they mostly have more professional experience and practical skills, readiness for mentoring (75%), less ambition, do not marry (73%), have unique qualifications, of which now do not train specialists (69%), agree to a lower salary (61%). At the same time, 58% of respondents note that older workers have less strength and less productivity (58%), they are characterized by non-acceptance of innovations, limited skills in the field of advanced, digital technologies, worse knowledge of foreign languages (50%), as well as disinterest in business development prospects (40%).

Involvement in the employment of the elderly (pension), from the point of view of respondents will primarily contribute to the opportunity to work on a flexible schedule or part-time (part-time). 70% of respondents surveyed shaved with such a thesis. 54% believe that it is advisable for people of retirement age to have the opportunity to improve their skills or obtain a new specialty.

Working conditions

Only 28% of working respondents said that they never or almost never have to work overtime. Among those who work overtime, 13% said they work in such conditions constantly, 24% — said they work overtime often and 31% work overtime, but this is rare.

If people work overtime, 26% receive higher wages adequate for overtime, 29% of respondents said they receive higher wages but not adequate time worked, and 36.5% respondents replied that in cases where they have to work overtime, they do not receive remuneration for overtime work at all.

The level of efficiency

On the question Has the level of your ability to work changed since the beginning of the full-scale war (ie after February 2022) 43% gave a negative answer. At the same time, 28% said that the level of performance decreased slightly, 13% of respondents said that their level of performance decreased significantly. And 13% said that their level of performance had increased.

Requirements for work

The main requirement for work, for respondents who participated in the study, is a decent level of wages — this was indicated by the vast majority of respondents — 89%. Also among the requirements are employee reservations from mobilization (24%), additional social benefits, benefits (24%), company stability and comfortable working conditions (22%), location convenience — 16% , career prospects — 14%., employee life insurance — 13%, friendly atmosphere in the team — 11%.

At the same time, 53% indicated that the amount of wages does not correspond to labor efforts, does not take into account the complexity or importance of labor, 24% indicated the severity and excessive intensity of work.

In your opinion, what are the main problems now in the labor market of Ukraine, in the field of employment? Choose all the answer options that suit you, 
% among workers (employers, employees, working co-owners of enterprises, self-employed)

Mobilization of employees73.3
Lack of staff53.5
outflow of qualified personnel abroad47.6
Ukrainian business continues to operate in «gray» or « black » field, which is not very conducive to the return of citizens who have left25.7
Disparities between candidates' salary expectations and business financial opportunities22.1
Departure of students to study abroad21.9
Burnout and fatigue of employees21.0
Failure of recruiters and employers to cooperate with candidates over 40 years of age19.2
Lack of strategic management of demographic processes15.0
Redistribution of workers within the country (concentration of candidates in safer regions)15.0
Lack of specialists with knowledge of English, other foreign languages14.5
The desire of employees to work remotely (online)14.3
Low level of inclusiveness, few initiatives to attract veterans and people with disabilities14.3
Failure to work in little-known companies6.0
I don't see any problems3.0
It is difficult to answer2.7

Where you work now, can you say that there is a shortage of staff at your company?, 
% among workers (employers, employees, working co-owners of enterprises, self-employed)

No, there is no shortage of staff31.7
Yes, there is a significant shortage of specialists of all qualifications29.6
Yes — lacks qualified specialists24.3
Yes — lacks unskilled specialists6.4
It is difficult to answer8.1

What do you think is needed to overcome the shortage of staff in Ukraine? 
Choose all the answer options that suit you, % among employees (employers, employees, working co-owners of enterprises, self-employed)

Retraining of employees and redistribution of responsibilities in the labor team53.5
Programs of involvement of young professionals52.4
Encouraging the return to Ukraine of Ukrainian citizens who are currently abroad52.3
Training and adaptation programs for older workers30.2
Adaptation of jobs and employment conditions for older workers and workers with disabilities23.7
Automation of processes21.6
Involvement of women in men's professions15.5
Involvement of labor from other countries6.6
Increasing the retirement age1.4
Nothing needs to be done2.7
It is difficult to answer5.7

In your opinion, is it necessary to introduce special incentives and preferences for them to stimulate the return of Ukrainian citizens from abroad?

It is difficult to answer19.9


20% of Ukrainians cannot or are not ready to work — survey 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024, 19:07 - Victor Volokita

20% of surveyed Ukrainians cannot or are not ready to work at all. 
They answered the question "How old are you willing to work".

About it testify Razumkov Center survey data.

  • 29% answered — up to 60 years,
  • 12% — ready to work up to 61–65 years,
  • 3% — up to 66–70 years and
  • % — up to 50–59 years.

Regarding the likely possibility of raising the retirement age in Ukraine 
58% of respondents answered that the negative consequences of raising the retirement age will outweigh the possible positive,
  • 16% of respondents believe that raising the retirement age will have approximately the same positive and negative consequences,
  • 7% said that raising the retirement age in Ukraine could be seen as a forced step, and its positive consequences would outweigh the negative ones.

The survey was conducted from 6 to 12 June 2024 by face-to-face in all regions of Ukraine (except for the temporarily occupied territories and territories where hostilities are taking place). 

2016 respondents aged 18 and over were interviewed. 

Theoretical sampling error does not exceed 2.3%.

Razumkov Centre
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Dysfunction Sidelines Ukraine's Parliament as Governing Force - The New  York Times

Ukraine Needs Western Assistance, Global Implications if Conflict is Lost |  FSI

Let's remind: 

In Ukraine, only 15% of respondents approve involvement of women in men's professions.

The surveyed Ukrainians answered the question "what, in your opinion, is necessary to overcome the shortage of personnel in Ukraine".

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