Sunday, April 12, 2015

How Many Ways Can We Celebrate Mesa 2015 & EARTH WEEK?

Update by  Press Release April 16
Kevin Christopher from City of Mesa Public Information & Communications Office

". . . The City will have Arbor Day and Earth Day activities during Celebrate Mesa Saturday, April 18 from noon to 4 p.m. at Pioneer Park, 526 E. Main St.  A tree planting ceremony will be held at 2 p.m. Tree value tags will be hung from trees throughout the park showing the dollar value of the environmental benefits including energy savings and carbon reduction.  A Living Green village will be set up with workshops from master planters, solar cooking demonstrations, garden tower exhibits, a tree hugging booth and a visit with Mother Nature. . . "  
A free family event that brings the community together to enjoy games, carnival rides, entertainment and more!
Some of the fun family activities include:
  • Bounce houses and carnival rides
  • Entertainment, contests and give-aways
  • James Reid Magic Show
  • Carter's Farm Petting Zoo
  • Earth Day displays and activities see above update
  • Uproar & Pirate Ship Rides ($2 each)
  • Information vendors
  • Food vendors
More than 20 million people participated in the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970. Senator Gaylord Nelson founded the holiday. Your MesaZona blogger participated in that first Earth Day - while enrolled in a Masters in Teaching program at Temple University in Philadelphia ...The eco-friendly day began in the United States and became accepted globally in 1990. 

More than one billion people from around the world are expected to participate in Earth Day events this year - IT IS THE LARGEST CIVIC EVENT IN THE WORLD

You can recycle 84 percent of household waste.

It costs about 50 cents per year to drink eight glasses of water each day from the faucet. If you drink your water primarily from water bottles, then it can cost you as much as $1,400.00 annually.

Please click on the Read More Link below for more information, including volunteer and vendor opportunities [important to note the Sponsors also]

 Link to City of Mesa Website: Celebrate Mesa 2015

Volunteer Opportunities: All volunteers must be 16 and older, or 14 and older if volunteering with a parent/guardian unless otherwise noted.  
Contact Beverlee Nielsen at 480-644-4345 if you would like to volunteer.

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