Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Public Notice: Central Mesa Extension Community Advisory Board (CAB) Final Meeting

That's right - Final Meeting
A key component of Valley Metro’s Construction Outreach Program for the Central Mesa Extension is the formation of a citizen board to serve as the voices for the community during light rail construction. The board is known as the Community Advisory Board (CAB) and is comprised of residents and business representatives from the community adjacent to the light rail route. - See more at: http://www.valleymetro.org/event/detail/central_mesa_extension_community_advisory_board_cab_meeting#sthash.c6WdJAWh.dpuf

When: Thursday, April 23, 2015

Time: 3-5 p.m.
Where: Central Mesa Extension Project Office @ 200 S Center Street 

What: CAB members will review and evaluate the performance of Valley Metro's contractor as it relates to minimizing impacts to the community.
CAB members will make a recommendation to Valley Metro whether to award a quarterly incentive  to the contractor for going "above and beyond" Valley Metro's contract specifications.
As far as "going above and beyond" the installation of the public station art along the line is gaining attention for its uniqueness and visual impact [as noted in older posts on this blog].
 The four station artists incorporated the community’s history and culture as a part of the theme “Old Roots New Growth.” 
You can find more details in links for a Contact List of the 16 members of the Community Advisory Board and the CAB Meeting Agenda by clicking on the Read more link below

Mesa Central Extension Project Member Contact List

CAB Final Meeting Agenda

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Michael Book at (602) 256-5811

A key component of Valley Metro’s Construction Outreach Program for the Central Mesa Extension is the formation of a citizen board to serve as the voices for the community during light rail construction. The board is known as the Community Advisory Board (CAB) and is comprised of residents and business representatives from the community adjacent to the light rail route. - See more at: http://www.valleymetro.org/event/detail/central_mesa_extension_community_advisory_board_cab_meeting#sthash.c6WdJAWh.dpuf
A key component of Valley Metro’s Construction Outreach Program for the Central Mesa Extension is the formation of a citizen board to serve as the voices for the community during light rail construction. The board is known as the Community Advisory Board (CAB) and is comprised of residents and business representatives from the community adjacent to the light rail route. - See more at: http://www.valleymetro.org/event/detail/central_mesa_extension_community_advisory_board_cab_meeting#sthash.c6WdJAWh.dpuf
A key component of Valley Metro’s Construction Outreach Program for the Central Mesa Extension is the formation of a citizen board to serve as the voices for the community during light rail construction. The board is known as the Community Advisory Board (CAB) and is comprised of residents and business representatives from the community adjacent to the light rail route. - See more at: http://www.valleymetro.org/event/detail/central_mesa_extension_community_advisory_board_cab_meeting#sthash.c6WdJAWh.dpuf
A key component of Valley Metro’s Construction Outreach Program for the Central Mesa Extension is the formation of a citizen board to serve as the voices for the community during light rail construction. The board is known as the Community Advisory Board (CAB) and is comprised of residents and business representatives from the community adjacent to the light rail route. - See more at: http://www.valleymetro.org/event/detail/central_mesa_extension_community_advisory_board_cab_meeting#sthash.c6WdJAWh.dpuf
A key component of Valley Metro’s Construction Outreach Program for the Central Mesa Extension is the formation of a citizen board to serve as the voices for the community during light rail construction. The board is known as the Community Advisory Board (CAB) and is comprised of residents and business representatives from the community adjacent to the light rail route. - See more at: http://www.valleymetro.org/event/detail/central_mesa_extension_community_advisory_board_cab_meeting#sthash.c6WdJAWh.dpuf
A key component of Valley Metro’s Construction Outreach Program for the Central Mesa Extension is the formation of a citizen board to serve as the voices for the community during light rail construction. The board is known as the Community Advisory Board (CAB) and is comprised of residents and business representatives from the community adjacent to the light rail route. - See more at: http://www.valleymetro.org/event/detail/central_mesa_extension_community_advisory_board_cab_meeting#sthash.c6WdJAWh.dpuf

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