Wednesday, February 10, 2016

A Garden Wizard! Catherine The Herb Lady Will Appear @ MUG For A Class

Check out a post on this site "Much Ado Mulch" about a free class on Sat 20 Feb in the Mesa Urban Garden . . . attention all you Muggles and/or humble humans who want to Plant ... Grow ... Eat!
Catherine Crowley, aka The Herb Lady, is an expert in edible landscaping in the Desert Southwest.  She writes and lectures on how to 'get growing' at public and private events.
 "I remember my grandmother, well.  She grew things and cooked things - wonderful things in the kitchen.  I looked backward for gardening and cooking lore, and found a future more than 3 decades ago.  I always loved gardening but was not always successful at it.  "Trowel and Error" have been my teachers!  If I found a new-to-me herb, fruit or vegetable I wanted to try growing it and have been very successful, in part because of the wonderful Tuscany/Provence type climate the Phoenix desert offers".   
Here's a post on Twitter from The Herb Lady: @TheHerbLady
SUGAR CANE! I will have rootable segments for sale at Friday's Mesa Farmers Market. Message me if you want me...

You CAN have an edible garden - there's fertile deep dirt to start planting in right now in the community garden on First Avenue.
Go to >>

1 comment:

Catherine, The Herb Lady said...

Thank you Tim! MUG and I appreciate the shout-out.

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