Thursday, February 04, 2016

News from London: Cross-Border Research Collaborations/Online Course Delivery PLuS Alliance

Press Release
New international university alliance to address global challenges with cross-border research in health, sustainability, social justice and innovation
London - Arizona State University, King’s College London and UNSW Australia have come together to form the PLuS Alliance, a new partnership to help find research-led solutions to global challenges and expand access to world-class learning. Combining the cutting-edge research capabilities and innovative education approach of three universities in different parts of the world, the PLuS Alliance will undertake cross-border research collaborations to address significant issues related to health, social justice, sustainability and innovation.

The research will be supported with a suite of related learning programs to be delivered online
"Key to solving the challenges facing humankind will be greater access to education so that talented men and women around the world can acquire the training and knowledge needed to join a workforce that operates across cultures and borders," said Dr. Michael Crow, President of Arizona State University.
The PLuS Alliance will deliver an exceptional international learning experience that builds on our established record of innovative online course delivery.”
Yours truly is not so sure a out that "established record" - one source has this metric showing that online course enrollment has actually declined.
ASU is a public flagship metropolitan research university located on five campuses across the Phoenix Metropolitan Area. A sixth campus located in northwestern Arizona is known as the ASU Colleges at Lake Havasu City.

ASU is the largest public university by enrollment in the United States.
Since 2005 ASU has been ranked among the top research universities, public and private, in the U.S. based on research output, innovation, development, research expenditures, number of awarded patents and awarded research grant proposals.
The Center for Measuring University Performance currently ranks ASU 31st among top U.S. public research universities Source >> Schoolinforme

The international partnership will collaborate on projects to make world class education and research accessible locally, helping communities globally make a direct and positive impact. 
PLuS ALLIANCE PROGRAMS More than 20 programs will be available to start from Fall 2016. Degrees to be offered through PLuS Alliance universities will initially include:
  • BA/BS in: Sustainability, Global Health, Community Health, Whole Person Care, Business, and Global Logistics Management
  • Masters in: Science of Healthcare Delivery, Infectious Diseases Intelligence, and Sustainability Leadership

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