Monday, February 29, 2016

Message from Interim Valley Metro CEO: Riding Transit

Just retrieved this from email inbox on 26 Feb 2016 - days three days ago. Guess yours truly might have been "behind schedule" but no more so than others. It's 01 March now with everything going Fast Fwd.

Message from the Interim CEO – Riding Transit
I have long been a supporter of light rail as an engine to spur economic development and revitalization, but even more importantly it moves people, myself included. Taking public transit from Mesa to downtown Phoenix eases my commute. It is stress free, allows me time to prepare for the day ahead and observe our daily operations. I'm especially looking forward to March 19, when we'll be able to ride light rail an additional three-miles to 19th Avenue and Dunlap. 
Valley Metro has done so many good things for the Valley and connecting light rail to new communities is just the beginning. The Valley Metro RPTA Board of Directors approved a plan that will make significant improvements to paratransit services in the Valley. It will eliminate Dial-A-Ride transfers, making connections seamless for riders. 
I look forward to using my experience as a private sector chief executive officer, accountant, attorney and mayor to strengthen Valley Metro and continue the good work already accomplished. Many more good things from Valley Metro are just down the road. Scott Smith, Interim CEO
Blogger's note:
"down the road" looks like this
Here's a map of proposed Valley Metro corridor east of the Central Mesa Light Rail Extension proceeding past Mesa Drive to Gilbert Road

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