Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Take-Aways From Today's Economic Development Advisory Board Meeting

Black-and-White Pencil Sketch Rendering 02/02/16
If you have read a previous post on this site about the EDAB you, dear readers, may have gotten a certain friendly-constructively critical impression [perhaps due to the fact that was the first meeting of this year after the Holidays]. It is time now to take a different perspective on the agenda and discussions of board members present at today's meeting. Absent from the meetings for the second or third month in-a-row were both Mayor John Giles and City Manager Chris Brady, who are designated ex-officio members.

Just trying out different ways of doing graphics on this site using a b/w sketch special effect. If that's not appealing here's the same thing in color to the right:
Members on the left side not seen in either of these will be in images later. The space to the right is an desk area for presentations to board members - they face their way with backs to anyone attending the meetings including the public who are infrequently seen at these 7:30 a.m. monthly meetings.

Presentation by Andrew Clegg, Project Manager for the Re-Branding of the Falcon Field Economic Activity Area FFEAA
Strategic Plan Progress Update
- Branding activities
- Marketing activities
- Leads
- Projects
- Product development

He started out with the BRAND PROMISE: NE Mesa ...... will finish this up tomorrow

Some key findings and research

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