Thursday, October 13, 2016

New Proposals for Development @ SEC 1st Avenue & Macdonald

The same development/investment partnership - Mesa Housing Associates - that brought the first new apartment building to be constructed in over 30 here in the New Urban Downtown Mesa, The RED Design Award-winning Encore on First [shown in image to left] located at 25 W First Avenue with 80 one-bedroom and two-bedroom apartments including six ground-level garden-entry units with extensive landscaping and water features.
Just six months Encore on First West was opened at 47 W First Avenue adding 40 additional apartments.
Plans have been in the works for months on proposals for additional housing situated on the southeast corner of first Avenue/MacDonald Street where plans for a Goldwater library fell through at the end of December 2016.
While having concurrent projects underway in Tempe and Phoenix, the principal partners in Mesa Housing Associates have stayed active in the regeneration here in Mesa for new construction in urban in-fill projects on vacant and under-used land in a series of small, incremental steps for affordable and attainable mixed-use housing in a diverse housing market that includes market-rate rents.
Just this morning two proposals were under consideration at a Mesa City County Study Session.Here's a look to view 2 Proposals

1. Mesa Housing Associates II $36,748,360 total investment
2. Arthaus Projects LLC $32,145,000 total investment

Here's the link >>

Rose Law Group Reporter re-posted an article on March 9, 2016 written by reporter Maria Polletta with some of the politics going on in Mesa about affordable housing where the thinking now has obviously turned around for affordable and attainable mixed-use development in a diverse housing market

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