Monday, October 10, 2016

Mormonism Has A Reputation For Secrecy & Political Power.

Really? ... in the open democratic society we are proud to have created here in the United States, that post headline statement might raise more than a few eyebrows if it were not accurate to describe a religion.
This is not "rabble-raising" by your MesaZona blogger.
It's part of one the Top Stories in the October 7, 2016 issue of The Mormon News Report about the so-called "leaks" that didn't get much attention last week following an article by Laurie Goodstein published on October 6, 2016 Mormon videos leaked . And so hoping to drum up what was lost in the news cycle this top story [???] is given the full money in the MNR: "I was just talking to someone today who told me they were surprised that the leaked videos of committee meetings including members of the Quorum of the Twelve wasn’t making national news. Well, here you go . . . "
The news report is archived here 
Kathleen Flake, a professor of American religious history, said “Mormonism has a reputation for secrecy and political power. I think these tapes probably fit that story, and explains the delight that people are taking in their leakage.” I would also add that some of those reputations don’t go away easily, and are still

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