03 February 2017

Mesa City Council Study Session 02 Feb 2016

Duration: 1:28:06
New Councilmembers Ryan Winkle and Jeremy Whittaker were available 'telephonically' in an opening statement by mayor John Giles
Your MesaZona blogger make it a scheduling point to attend this public meeting in-person, noting again that very few other members of the public - or any other members of the media - were at this meeting,

Details of the final agenda for this study session are provided in a post uploaded on this blog site just before the session opened to give readers a preview  

Blogger's Pre-Note:
1. Accessing, review and study of only some of the links to original documents on the session agenda took over three hours . . . the items are complex - especially regarding the issuance and sales of Municipal Tax-Free Bonds for investors, the bond service debts that are a big proportion in budget figures [every person - more than 475,000 who live here in Mesa - are in debt on a per capita basis of about $3,400 whether they know it or not].
Readers please pay attention to the presentation and explanation regarding bonds, noting that unspent and un-issued funds go back to 1987.
2. Surprisingly at the beginning there was a fairly unusual and active give-and-take about the Fleet Services department's functions, finances and policies that started with Kevin Thompson immediately asking about the disposition, sales, auctions and allocation of some 200 "seized" vehicles that are stored [with fees] in the interim - if the Police Department can select some of these for "undercover operations" to avoid potential identification of the use of highly visible pick-up trucks and Chevy Tahoes in crime units. 
The discussion went on for some time after that with more questions about Fleet Services fielded by City Manager Chris Brady. It seemed that city officials were more than ready and prepared ahead of time and present as if they knew in advance questions would be asked.
3. Liz Morales, Director of the Housing & Community Development, presents a long-overdue assessment of housing needs here in the City of Mesa that will be data-driven starting this month with a goal of completion for the housing profile in November
2 Presentations/Action Items:
2-a 17-0157
Hear a presentation and discuss proposed bond refundings and defeasance and bond program update.
Anticipated 2017 New Money Bond Activity
• New Money General Obligation Bond Issuance (est: $47M) (Public Safety, Parks, Streets) • New Money Utility Revenue Bond Issuance (est: $124M) (Water, Wastewater, Natural Gas, Electric)
2-b 17-0099
Hear a presentation, discuss and provide direction on a process to update Mesa’s citywide Housing Master Plan, which is planned to include both information gathering and community engagement processes.

This will include a data-driven approach for Phase 1: HOUSING COMMUNITY PROFILE
Timeline:  February-June 2017
Consultant has been selected.
Examples of data to be collected:
• Existing housing stock
• Rent and home price ranges
 • Income levels, family size, age, jobs, and education stats
 • Trends of housing for the past ten (10) years
 • Projections for the next ten (10) years that can help set the context for plan recommendations
• Council presentation on report
2-c 17-0124
Hear a presentation and discuss the financial revenues of the City with emphasis on the General Governmental Funds.
3. 17-0140 Information pertaining to the current Job Order Contracting projects

4 Acknowledge receipt of minutes of various boards and committees.
4-a 17-0156 Museum and Cultural Advisory Board meeting held on November 17, 2016

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