08 March 2017

Hmmm. . . A Whiff In The Wind or A Slow-Pitch In The Field of Dreams?

While it might be too early to figure out who's warming-up in the Bullpen of Mesa politics - or who's gonna get into the field and step-up to home plate to knock one out of the plans for a ballpark/stadium here in Mesa  [or score a goal on hockey-ice] - the multi-talented hard-hitter Marc Garcia, head honcho for Mesa's tourism office VisitMesa.com , dropped a few bombs yesterday in an appropriate venue during a meeting of the Economic Development Advisory Board.
He struck-out last year to get approval, but hey! Give it a go!
Keep your eyes on the prize, or what might be a big surprise. Another taxpayer-funded stadium here in Mesa? Some new legislative trickery to make that happen? Or a youth-and-amateur sports complex with indoor and outdoor playing fields? Angel investors on-the-sidelines? Add a good size meetings-and-convention center with an adjacent 400+-room high-quality hotel in an accessible location to highways and airports easy-to-get-to.
What have we got to lose if all that somehow gets pulled together?
Officials - and others -  might get a call and get coached to step up with their game for a major sports stadium complex in northeast Mesa incorporating all these elements.


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