24 March 2017

Bringing Morality Into City Planning: ETHICAL REDEVELOPMENT??

Ethical Redevelopment makes the case for mindful city-building by utilizing cross-city networks and cross-sector innovation. Huh?
Ethical Redevelopment encapsulates a philosophy by which to shift the value system from conventional, profit-driven development practices to conscientious interventions in the urban context. Huh?

Arts and culture-led urban transformation.???? HUH? Is this the way it works in Mesa?

It is articulated by an emerging set of 9 Principles that were drawn from artist-led, neighborhood-based development work on Chicago's South Side.
Source: Place Lab

 By introducing these principles in their early stages of development, the intention is to share and refine collaboratively with other willing urban practitioners who also believe in spatial equity for cities.
Visit placelab.uchicago.edu/ethical-redevelopment/ for more information on Ethical Redevelopment (including a downloadable PDF of the principles) and the Public Convening in Chicago on June 22, 2016.

Ethical Redevelopment: Pedagogy in Action on Vimeo

https://vimeo.com › Place Lab Chicago › Videos
Oct 28, 2016
The Ethical Redevelopment Salon is a membership-based, social-learning network and peer-mentorship club ...

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