31 March 2017

New Player On Mesa City Council Team Steps Up To The Plate Hitting A Homer Outta The Ball Park

That's outta the usual boring tired-old business-as-usual-nobody-cares game of Good-Ole'-Boyz-PoliTricks  usually played out inside City Hall. No curve balls from the pitcher's mound slide across home plate this time around when homeboy-hero Ryan Winkle has gotten warmed-up in the bullpen and  knows the game how to use social media to connect with the public.
That's Amy Poehler from popular TV show Parks & Recreation giving a wink and a knowing nod @ left
You, dear readers, might be puzzled by this post so what's it all about when most people who live in Mesa simply don't care - or bother to get informed about local government - most times sitting on the sidelines if they get that close.
Your MesaZona blogger is so thrilled and so excited to say that local politics is not a spectator sport . . . let's qualify that by stating that the action is on social media: here and here

And all ya gotta do is lift a finger to see more on Facebook
Concerned? Curious?

1. Ryan Winkle on Facebook March 27, 2017[almost 50 replies and comments]
We have recently heard a proposal to privatize the Mesa jail operations. Please read (really read) and watch the following links and let me know your thoughts. Please keep in mind;
1. People Concerns
2. City Budget Issues
3. Jail vs. Prison (transport, booking and length of stay)
4. Unforeseen Consequences of being the first AZ Municipality to do this.
You can send your thoughts, addressed to all the Mayor and Council at council@mesaaz.gov
Please no knee jerk reactions, at minimum please review this.
Mesa Police Presentation on privatization for jail:

2. Ryan Winkle on Facebook March 30, 2017 [over 100 replies and comments]
Long post warning. Some clarifications needed.
1. There are some councilmembers that want to use the allocation approved by voters and by council numerous times on other projects. Only one of which is a new council member.
2. If there is a change of mind regarding the use of this voter and council approved money, it should go through an open & public process.

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