24 March 2017

Urban ReCon: Mysterious "Monkey Farm" in Mesa?

Who Knew?
Published on Feb 3, 2016
Views: 7,657
Urban Legend stuff here guys!!
A story has surfaced about the possibility of a mysterious looking complex that was noticed by hikers on the outskirts of Mesa Arizona as possibly containing monkeys. These persons heard very loud noises coming from inside this complex you see in the video that does look to be abandoned, but does not sound like it. Could there be more going on underground than there is above ground. A brave Youtube uploader (usmc4hire) did manage to get some up close video footage of the 'facility' back in 2010. He was near the facilty again recently as 10 days ago and said it has even MORE security than it had back then a saw a large primate in one of the upper cages.    

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