09 July 2019

A Mild-Mannered Report From AZ Mirror ... Worrisome To Say The Very Least

" . . .According to public records the Mesa Police Department provided, it shares its detection data with close to 800 agencies across the country, as well as a shared NVLS database accessed by 523 agencies. However, its media relations detective, Nik Rasheta, stated in an email that the data was only shared via NVLS.Mesa PD receives information from more than 100 agencies (and also has access to the NVLS database), . . " 
Arizona police agencies gather & share license plate data, but few ensure rules are being followed
by Yael Grauer

Yup. Why worry? What could they know??



Trump’s 2017 Tax Cuts Expire Soon − Study Shows They Made Income Inequality Worse. . .

Even though the press has repeatedly pointed out that the Trump tax bennies overwhelmingly benefitted the well off, there does not seem to b...