15 July 2019

Inter-Active Open Data: PUBLIC DISCLOSURE Salaries For City Jobs

The Arizona Republic has assembled the largest public database of government employees’ salaries in the state. On this page, you'll see salaries for jobs with Arizona's largest cities, including: Phoenix, Tucson, Mesa, Scottsdale and Tempe
The Republic database includes standardized information from the most recent budget year. Employees hired after June 30, 2018, may not be included.

Learn more about how this database was assembled below.
Search city employee salaries on this page or search more than 150,000 employees statewide here.
Data compiled by Agnel Philip, Pamela Ren Larson, Justin Price, Rob O'Dell and Michael Squires

What does the database show?
The table provides hourly and annual wages, overtime pay, job title, department, full- or part-time status and dates of hire for each person employed during the most recent completed budget year — often the fiscal year that ended on June 30, 2018. Most of the information was provided by the entities, although The Republic calculated some figures that weren’t provided.
Why is The Republic publishing salary data?
Public employee salaries are one of the most significant expenses any government incurs. The data is available under Arizona public records law to ensure the public knows how government bodies spend tax dollars.
City Attorney 88 Records
City Auditor 5 Records
City Clerk 8 Records
City Manager 30 Records
Economic Development 15 Records
Engineering 86 Records
Fleet Services 81 Records
Mesa Fire & Medical 553
Mesa Police 1278
Community Services 43

LINK > City of Mesa All Departments

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