17 January 2020

Arizona Senator Martha McSally Scores A Few "Talking Points" Rushing-In To Take An Oath of Impartial Justic

Thank you Governor Ducey for nominating this temporary-Senator to fill in the unfinished term of Jon Kyl. McSally created some drama in a hallway yesterday - 

"Manu, you're a liberal hack. I'm not going to talk to you," McSally said before cutting into a side room. Raju had asked McSallly whether the Senate should consider new evidence as part of the impeachment trial. It's unclear what exactly prompted McSally's barb but it was leveled at a news network regularly panned by Republicans for showing liberal bias. After Raju tweeted about the incident, McSally doubled down and tweeted her own video of the exchange. Manu Question : 
Senator McSally, should the Senate consider new evidence as part of the impeachment trial? McSally: 
You’re a liberal hack I’m not talking to you Manu- 
You’re not going to comment about this? McSally: 
You're a liberal hack.
_________________________________________________________________ manu Raju tweeted Sen. Martha McSally, a Republican facing a difficult election race, lashed out when I asked if she would consider new evidence as part of the Senate trial. “You’re a liberal hack - I’m not talking to you. You’re a liberal hack.” She then walked into a hearing room. Raju also seemed to indicate McSally's comments stemmed from the fact that she faced a difficult election in Arizona.
Here's reporter Jim Small's story yesterday

McSally stands athwart a fair impeachment trial yelling, ‘Liberal hack!’

Rep. Martha McSally, R-Ariz, gestures to President Donald Trump during a rally for her U.S. Senate campaign at the International Air Response facility on Oct. 19, 2018 in Mesa. Photo by Ralph Freso | Getty Images
"McSally has for months squirmed about her role in an impeachment trial. And in doing so, she’s changed her position on many things – including witnesses. . . 
But now, with the ball in her court, McSally has decided that witnesses and evidence aren’t necessary elements of fairness.
That’s because the “fairness” she cares about isn’t a fairness to the Constitution or the people of Arizona whom she represents – and who in 2018 said she shouldn’t – that would demand she honestly assess the mountains of evidence and testimony already gathered and seek the truth.
Instead, “fairness” for McSally and too many of her GOP colleagues is defined by quickly exonerating Trump – and enabling him to continue to run roughshod over the U.S. Senate, the Constitution and the American people.
Anyone who dares question her on that must be a liberal hack. Are you listening, Arizona?
If you’re having trouble with how the magnitude of the scandal involving Donald Trump’s dealings with Ukraine has seemed to grow at a bewildering rate in the past 72 or so hours, just do like Martha McSally and refuse to even consider what this new evidence means.
Should the U.S. Senate consider new evidence discovered in the weeks since the U.S. House finished its investigation?
It’s clear that McSally doesn’t want to consider the evidence unearthed this week by House investigators – and made public – that Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, was in Ukraine digging up dirt on Joe Biden’s with the president’s “knowledge and consent.” Or that Lev Parnas, who was working with Giuliani, says he was acting on behalf of Trump and is “betting my whole life that Trump knew exactly everything that was going on.” 

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