16 January 2020

Russian Earthquake > A Re-Boot of The Entire Russian Federation Political System

"President Vladimir Putin turned an eye toward Russia’s domestic affairs in his annual state-of-the-nation speech Wednesday, outlining proposals for fixing the country’s political, economic and social problems.Addressing both houses of parliament, the Federal Assembly, at the Manezh Central Exhibition Hall, Putin discussed Russia’s demographic crisis, the poverty level and Russia's defense.
In addition to setting out key policy areas, Putin announced a referendum on constitutional amendments. Putin, who is serving his fourth overall presidential term, also reiterated lukewarm support toward limiting the number of terms any future president can serve."

Russian government resigns after President Putin’s state-of-the-nation address proposes changes to the constitution    

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has announced that the entire government is resigning in a surprise statement released shortly after President Vladimir Putin delivered his annual state-of-the-nation address.
Accepting the resignation, Putin thanked the ministers for their hard work and asked them to function as a caretaker government until a new one can be formed. . .
Putin also proposed multiple amendments to Russia’s constitution. His proposals would entail “substantial changes” to the constitution as well as to the “entire balance of power, the power of the executive, the power of the legislature, the power of the judiciary,” Medvedev explained.
“In this context, it is obvious that, as the government, we must provide the president with a capability to make all decisions,” which are required to implement
Russia in Global Affairs’ Editor-in-Chief Fyodor Lukyanov told RT that the change will be a step towards the “diversification of power” at a time when the country is being “increasingly governed in a ‘manual control’ mode and fully fixated on the president.”
It is an attempt to transform a super-centralized personified system of power into a more balanced and diversified one… with a strong president but not as strong as today.
“The resignation symbolizes the current ‘reboot’ of the political system” ahead of the 2021 parliamentary and 2024 presidential elections, Dmitry Badovsky, head of the Moscow-based Institute of Socio-Economic and Political Studies, told RT.

On the economy
“Based on a stable macroeconomic foundation, we need to create the conditions for real incomes to increase significantly.”
“In order to solve this problem, we need structural changes in the national economy and an increase in its efficiency. Russia should achieve a higher GDP growth rate than the rest of the world in 2021.”
“Starting this year, annual investment growth should be at least 5% and its share in the country's GDP should be increased from the current 21% to 25% in 2024.
On defense
“For the first time, we’re not chasing anyone.”
"We are not threatening anyone or striving to impose our will [on other countries]. At the same time, I can assure everyone: Our steps to strengthen national security have been taken in a timely and sufficient manner."
“We’re not catching up with anyone. On the contrary, other states will have to create weapons that Russia already has.”
On constitutional changes
“We need a referendum on the entire package of amendments to the Constitution.”
“We need to entrust the State Duma [lower house of parliament] with not just approving but [choosing] the prime minister’s candidacy.”
“Russia should remain a strong presidential republic.”
“I don’t consider [the two consecutive term limit] a matter of principle, but I agree with it.”
Read more > The Moscow Times _________________________________________________________________________ 


Highlights of Putin's State of the Nation Address
MOSCOW, January 15. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has delivered his annual State of the Nation Address to the Federal Assembly on Wednesday.

The Address to the Federal Assembly is one of the most important annual events on the president’s schedule. The document, which outlines the goals and tasks for the country, becomes the guideline for the government and the parliament to follow.
Here are the highlights from this year's Presidential Address:
> On Russia’s demographic situation
Putin said he was dissatisfied with Russia's birth rate. The Russian president noted that the total fertility rate stood at 1.5 in 2019. "This is not enough for our country," he stressed.
According to Putin, Russia’s birth rate in the 1990s was worse than the fertility figures during the Second World War.
Putin said that low incomes of most households with children directly threatened Russia’s demographic future and proposed a number of measures to support families.
For instance, the Russian leader suggested providing monthly payments for children between the ages of three and seven years old starting from January 1, 2020. According to the president, families, whose income does not exceed one living wage per person, will receive these payments.
Moreover, the maternity capital program will be extended until the end of 2026 and the payment amount will grow to 616,617 rubles ($10,028).
> On Russia's weaponry
Putin said that Russia has been able for the first time in history to become the world’s leader in advanced weapons.
"We are not threatening anyone, nor are we seeking to impose our will. At the same time, I can assure everyone that our steps for strengthening national security were timely made and in a sufficient volume," the Russian president assured.
Today, Russia is the world’s leader in developing advanced weaponry, Putin stressed. "Other leading countries of the world will still have to develop weapons, which Russia already possesses," the head of state emphasized.
> On the supremacy of the Russian Constitution
Putin has suggested a putting up a package of constitutional amendments for a plebiscite. At the same time, the Russian president stated that he sees no grounds to adopt new constitution in Russia.
Putin also suggest stipulating the supremacy of the Russian Constitution over international norms in Russia.
“The time has come to make some changes to the nation’s fundamental law that would directly guarantee the priority of the Russian Constitution in our legal space. What does this mean? It means that requirements of international law and decisions of international bodies can only be enforced in Russia to such an extent that does not violate human and civil rights and freedoms and does not violate our Constitution,” Putin emphasized.
> On presidential terms and candidates
Putin agrees that the same person should not hold the post of the head of state for more than two consecutive terms.
"I know that our society is debating the constitutional provision that the same person should not hold the office of President of the Russian Federation for more than two consecutive terms. I do not believe that this question is of fundamental importance, but I agree with this," Putin said.
The president has also suggested complementing Russia’s Constitution with a special requirement that a candidate running for the post of head state should be a resident of Russia for no less than 25 years and have neither foreign citizenship nor an overseas residence permit, not just at the moment of the election, but never before in the past.
Under the Constitution today, any Russian citizen who has lived in the country for no less than ten years can be elected as Russia’s president.
>On 75th anniversary of Victory
Russia is obliged to protect the historical truth about the victory in the Great Patriotic War,  Putin said.
"This year we will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. May 9 in Russia is the greatest and sacrosanct holiday. We are proud of the generation of victors, we remember their heroism. Our memory is not only a token of respect for the heroic past. It serves our future, inspires us and strengthens our unity. We are obliged to protect the truth about the Victory. Otherwise what shall we be able to tell our children if lies spread about the world like an epidemic?" he said.
Putin also said that a network of archive documents on the history of the Second World War accessible to the whole world will be created in Russia.