15 January 2020

S.O.S. Arizona >> Governor Doogey All Fired-Up! An Air Punch For NO NEW TAXES + "The Arizona Way"

No way we had "to read-his-lips" on that subject:
Everything spoken was certainly loud-and-clear.
Absolutely no doubts anywhere - he rocked the rafters of The Arizona State House and everyone in it for the annual State of the State Speech.
Governor Doug Ducey got the microphone on the podium standing before the two leaders - one from the Arizona State House and one from The Arizona State Legislatureseated behind him on chairs draped with colorful native blankets.
To the left was Mesa's own Rusty Bowers >
To the right in white Sylvia Finn >
Both in the background for the governor's speech and both in control of those two other branches of state government.
Just by looking at it, you wouldn't know that Republicans exercise a slim majority, but there's always more to the story.
The stage was set - all camera-ready - with all eyes on Governor Ducey.
He delivered a forceful speech to open up the first session in 2020.
Believe-it-or-not that's all that's getting printed here for now and published online >
Watch the 2020 State of The State Speech yourselves - it is your government
The 2-Minute version
WATCH:Ducey in State of the State: No new taxes, 'not on my watch'

The 1-Hour version
WATCH: Governor Ducey's 2020 State of the State Address - "The Arizona Way"