Sunday, February 28, 2021

Hizzoner John Giles on CNN: Did He Answer The Question When Asked if Mesa was a "Poorly-Run City"??

NOPE - Giles just dodged and ducked the question and changed the subject to spending federal COVID-19 funds for Aid, Relief and Economic Security in four categories - that ended after nine months last year on December 30th. And he goes on the defensive calling anyone who wants to scrutinize the city's administration of federal funds partisans .
It doesn't look like any Republican mayor of any city has the leadership clout to convince same-party Republican Congressional colleagues to vote for additional COVID-19 Economic Relief!
Democrats are on-board in both houses - any approval will be on strict party line votes . . .
Doesn't it seem that Republican mayors really like to spend federal money locally in their cities but cannot depend on their own representatives elected to The Senate and House of Representative - members of the same Republican Party - to go on the record to approve?
Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt got way more attention
During a CNN segment yesterday, GOP mayors David Holt of Oklahoma City and John Giles of Mesa defended the need for additional aid , , When asked if Mesa was a "poorly-run city," Giles rejected such a characterization.
"I'm very proud of the way that we've administered the COVID relief that we received a year ago," he said.
"There are a lot of people in Mesa that received food and utility assistance. Our first responders were funded. We were able to get kids back into school, to help with our school districts to have the remote learning devices they needed."
He emphasized: "I would invite any scrutiny that partisans would like to apply to the way that we've administered the funds that we've received thus far."
Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt.

Nearly three dozen GOP mayors back Biden's COVID-19 relief package

Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt.

  • Roughly 32 GOP mayors are backing Biden's $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill.
  • The support is a stark contrast to the bill's opposition among congressional Republicans.
  • The House passed the bill on Saturday and it now heads to the Senate where resistance is anticipated.
  • While President Joe Biden faces firm opposition to his $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package from congressional Republicans, many elected GOP officials outside of Washington DC are singing a different tune.

    Roughly 32 GOP mayors, representing cities from Oklahoma City and Arlington, Texas to Carmel, Indiana and Mesa, Arizona, are among 425 mayors who backed the relief bill in a letter through the US Conference of Mayors to Congress. . .

    WHOA! 3-HOURS STREAMED FROM THE LOWER CHAMBERS Mesa Council Study Session 02.25.2021

    Last Thursday's early morning study session was certainly a HUMDINGER for more reasons than one.
    It was ten minutes short of three hours with so much thrown on the agenda. It was not the usual push-over or slam-dunk ----- lots of interactive questions and discussions AND Public Participation.
    IT WAS ALL CONFUSING AT THE START... and then there was more input on the draft proposal for that "Anti-Discrimination" issue
    In addition to all the items on the agenda for Monday, March 01, 2021 (scroll down below), City Manager Chris Brady threw in three Power-Point Slide Presentations:
    ITEM 1
    1 Review and discuss items on the agenda for the March 1, 2021 regular Council meeting
       NOTE: Item *5-a is up first when the City Manager wants it in that order - located in District 1 that is prepresented by Mark Freeman (and the mayor is corrected when he says that one objection is the height of the parking garage)...???? The vote at the PZ Board just the day before was TBD
    5 Introduction of the following ordinance and setting March 15, 2021 as the date of the public hearing on this ordinance:
    ITEM *5-a 21-0158 ZON20-00538 (District 1)
    Within the 1200 to 1400 blocks of West Bass Pro Drive (south side) and the 1100 block of North Alma School Road (west side). Located south of the 202 Red Mountain Freeway on the west side of Alma School Road (30.9± acres).
    Modification to the Planned Area Development (PAD) Overlay on the property; and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for a new office building and parking garage within an existing office development.
    Michael Edwards, The Davis Experience, applicant;
    Salt River Point LL LLC, owner.
    Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board
    Recommendation: Approval with conditions
    (Vote: TBD) *5-a
    2 Presentations/Action Items: THERE ARE 3
    > 21-0221 Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on the future disposition of City-owned land within downtown area. 2-a 
    File #:21-0221   
    Type:PresentationStatus:Agenda Ready
    In control:City Council Study Session
    On agenda:2/25/2021
    Title:Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on the future disposition of City-owned land within downtown area.
    Attachments:1. Presentation
    Disposition Policy for City-Owned Land in Downtown
    City Council Study Session February 25, 2021
    Jeff McVay Manager of Downtown Transformation
    > 21-0135 Hear a presentation and discuss the City’s forecast highlights including Mesa’s financial and economic trends. 2-b 
    File #:21-0135   
    Type:PresentationStatus:Agenda Ready
    In control:City Council Study Session
    On agenda:2/25/2021
    Title:Hear a presentation and discuss the City’s forecast highlights including Mesa’s financial and economic trends.
    Attachments:1. Presentation
    Financial Forecast 25 SLIDES 
    General Governmental Funds and Utility Fund 
    February 25, 2021
    Presented by: 
    Brian A. Ritschel, Management and Budget Assistant Director 
    Chris Olvey, Management and Budget Forecast Coordinator
    Revenue Forecasting 
    Next Steps – Anticipated Calendar
    images3MXXTNYV (2).jpg
    April 1 Review Proposed FY 21/22 Budget Review Non-Utility CIP 
    April 5 – May 3 Hear from various departments Review Utility CIP 
    May 6 Budget Wrap-up 
    May 17 Adoption of the CIP Tentative Adoption of the FY 21/22 Budget 
    June 7 Final Adoption of the FY 21/22 Budget 
    June 21 Adoption of the Secondary Property Tax Levy
    > 21-0208 Hear a presentation and discuss the Planning Division’s work plan, including a list of major land use planning strategies and goals for 2021 and into the future. 2-c 
    File #:21-0208   
    Type:PresentationStatus:Agenda Ready
    In control:City Council Study Session
    On agenda:2/25/2021
    Title:Hear a presentation and discuss the Planning Division’s work plan, including a list of major land use planning strategies and goals for 2021 and into the future.
    Attachments:1. Presentation
    Planning Strategies (17 SLIDES)
    Nana Appiah, Planning Director 
    Rachel Prelog, Senior Planner 
    February 25, 2021
    Council Meeting Notice: 
    To decrease COVID-19 exposure, the City Council Chambers is closed, but public participation and viewing will be available electronically. Members of the City Council will appear electronically for this meeting, via a video conferencing platform, and the live meeting will be accessible via broadcast and telephonically. Because of the current public health emergency, the City Council Chambers is closed for Council Meetings. 
    However, the live meeting may be watched on local cable Mesa channel 11, online at,, or, or listened to by calling 888-788-0099 or 877- 853-5247 (toll free) using meeting ID 5301232921 and following the prompts. 
    Public participation will be available electronically. 
    > If you want to provide a written comment or speak telephonically at the meeting, please submit an online comment card by going to at least 1 hour prior to the start of the meeting. 
    > If you want to speak at the meeting, you will need to indicate on the comment card that you would like to speak during the meeting, and you will need to call 888-788-0099 or 877-853-5247 (toll free) using meeting ID 5301232921 and following the prompts, prior to the start of the meeting. 
    You will be able to listen to the meeting; and when the item you have indicated that you want to speak on is before Council, your line will be taken off mute and you will be given an opportunity to speak. Applicants and their representatives who have items on the Council agenda and who want to be able to comment on their item or be able to answer questions should fill out this Applicant online comment card at least 1 hour prior to the start of the meeting and call 888-788-0099 or 877-853-5247 (toll free) using meeting ID 5301232921 and following the prompts, prior to the start of the meeting. You will be able to listen to the meeting; and when the item you have indicated that you want to speak on is before Council, your line will be taken off mute and you will be given an opportunity to speak. 
    For help with the online comment card, or for any other technical difficulties, please call 480- 644-2099. 
    City of Mesa Council Chambers 57 E. First Street City Council 
    Meeting Agenda - Tentative Monday, March 1, 2021 5:45 PM 
    All citizens are permitted and encouraged to speak on agenda items including and preceding “Items from citizens present." 
    Public participation is available electronically. If you want to provide a written comment or speak telephonically at the meeting, please submit an online comment card by going to at least 1 hour prior to the start of the meeting. If you want to speak at the meeting, you will need to indicate on the comment card that you would like to speak during the meeting, and you will need to call 888-788-0099 or 877-853-5247 (toll free) using meeting ID 5301232921 and following the prompts, prior to the start of the meeting. You will be able to listen to the meeting; and when the item you have indicated that you want to speak on is before Council, your line will be taken off mute and you will be given an opportunity to speak. 
    For help with the online comment card, or for any other technical difficulties, please call 480-644-2099. 
    The City of Mesa is committed to making its public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. 
    For special accommodations, please contact the City Manager’s Office at 480-644-3333 or AZRelay 7-1-1 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. 
    Si necesita asistencia o traducción en español, favor de llamar al menos 48 horas antes de la reunión al 480-644-2767. 
    All items listed with an asterisk (*) will be considered as a group by the City Council and will be enacted with one motion. 
    There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or citizen requests, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered as a separate item. 
    If a citizen wants an item removed from the consent agenda, an online comment card will need to be completed by going to at least 1 hour prior to the start of the meeting and by following the instructions provided under “Citizen Participation” at the top of this page. 
    City Council Meeting Agenda - Tentative March 1, 2021 
    Mayor's Welcome 
    Roll Call 
    Invocation: Moment of Silence Pledge of Allegiance 
    Awards, Recognitions and Announcements 

    1 Take action on all consent agenda items. 

    *2 Items on the Consent Agenda *2 
    21-0219 Approval of minutes of previous meetings as written. 

    3 Take action on the following contracts: 
    21-0215 One-Year Renewal with a One-Year Renewal Option to the Term Contract for Fire Hose for the Mesa Fire and Medical Department (Citywide) 
    This contract provides fire hose for the department as needed. The fire hoses meet National Fire Protection Association standards and are used to replace existing hoses removed from service due to age or failure. The Mesa Fire and Medical Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the renewal with L. N. Curtis & Sons, at $78,800 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Producer Price Index. *3-a 

    21-0217 Three-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Streetlight Painting Services for the Transportation Department (Citywide) 
    This contract will provide streetlight painting services of existing luminaries, poles, and pole skirts where applicable. After painting is complete at pre-determined locations, the remainder of the contract will be for services on an as-needed, where-needed basis. 
    The Transportation Department and Purchasing recommend awarding the contract to the lowest, responsive, and responsible bidder, Cobalt Companies, dba Cobalt Coatings, at $102,450 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Consumer Price Index. 
    This purchase is funded by the Local Streets Fund. *3-b 

    City of Mesa Page 2 Printed on 2/18/2021 City Council Meeting Agenda - Tentative March 1, 2021 

    21-0216 Purchase of Stormwater Sampling Equipment Components (Replacement) for the Environmental Management and Sustainability Department (Sole Source) (Citywide) 
    This purchase will provide critical components (flowmeters, modems, sensors, and associated accessories) for five, ISCO sampling stations that are experiencing operational issues. 
    Replacing this equipment is necessary to resolve the issues and update obsolete equipment at the sampling stations. The Environmental Management and Sustainability Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase from the sole source vendor, Western Environmental Equipment Company, at $28,468.25, based on estimated requirements. *3-c 

    4 Take action on the following resolution: 
    21-0218 Extinguishing a portion of a 20-foot waterline easement located at 8046 East Ray Road to allow for the construction of a commercial warehouse building; requested by the property owner. (District 6) *4-a 

    5 Introduction of the following ordinance and setting March 15, 2021 as the date of the public hearing on this ordinance: 21-0158 ZON20-00538 (District 1) Within the 1200 to 1400 blocks of West Bass Pro Drive (south side) and the 1100 block of North Alma School Road (west side). Located south of the 202 Red Mountain Freeway on the west side of Alma School Road (30.9± acres). Modification to the Planned Area Development (PAD) Overlay on the property; and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for a new office building and parking garage within an existing office development. Michael Edwards, The Davis Experience, applicant; Salt River Point LL LLC, owner. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: TBD) *5-a City of Mesa Page 3 Printed on 2/18/2021 City Council Meeting Agenda - Tentative March 1, 2021 6 Discuss, receive public comment, and take action on the following ordinances: 21-0151 ZON20-00562 (District 6) Within the 5300 block of South Power Road (east side). Located south of Ray Road and east of Power Road (2.4± acres). Modification of an existing PAD; and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for the development of a hotel. Taylor Earl, Earl and Curley, applicant; Mesa Hotel Partners, LLC, owner. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 7-0) *6-a 21-0150 ZON20-00491 (District 6) Within the 5200 to 5300 blocks of South Ellsworth Road (east side), the 5300 through 6200 blocks of the South Crismon Road alignment (east and west sides), the 9800 to 10000 blocks of the East Williams Field Road alignment (north and south sides) and the 10000 to 10200 blocks of East Williams Field Road (north side). Located on the north side of the future State Route 24 freeway alignment between Ellsworth Road to approximately one-quarter mile east of the Crismon Road alignment (465± acres). Major Amendment to the Pacific Proving Grounds North Community Plan, also known as the Cadence Community Plan. This request is to modify sections of the approved Community Plan and Land Use Budget allocations for Development Unit 3 within the Plan. Susan Demmitt, Gammage and Burnham, PLC, applicant; PPGN-Williams, LLLP, owner. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 7-0) *6-b 21-0152 ZON20-00609 (District 1) 731 North Alma School Road. Located north of University Drive on the east side of Alma School Road (1.2± acres). Rezone from OC to RS-6. This request will allow for a single residence use. Randal L. Courtney, applicant; Randal L. Courtney, owner. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 7-0) *6-c 21-0153 ZON20-00769 (District 6) Within the 8400 to 8800 blocks of East Elliot Road (north side) and within the 3400 to 3600 blocks of South Hawes Road (east side). Located east of Hawes Road and north of Elliot Road (77± acres). Rezone from LI-PAD to LI-PAD; and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for an industrial development. Eric Zitny, Ware Malcomb, applicant; Loop 202 & Elliot Road Parcel #2 LLC, owner. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 7-0) *6-d City of Mesa Page 4 Printed on 2/18/2021 City Council Meeting Agenda - Tentative March 1, 2021 21-0154 ZON20-00815 (District 3) Within the 100 block of South Dobson Road (west side). Located south of Main Street on the west side of Dobson Road (2.5± acres). Rezone from GC to GC-BIZ overlay; and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for a commercial development. Rick Daughtery, 3rd Story Architecture, applicant; WJC, LLC, owner. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 7-0) *6-e 21-0155 ZON20-00861 (District 6) The 3600 to 4400 blocks of South Ellsworth Road (east side), the 3600 to 4200 blocks of South Eastmark Parkway (west side), the 9200 to 9600 blocks of East Elliot Road (south side), and the 9200 to 9800 blocks of East Warner Road (north side). Located south of Elliot Road and north of Warner Road between Ellsworth Road and Signal Butte Road (325± acres). Major Amendment to the Eastmark Community Plan. This request is to modify the character descriptions for Development Units 1 and 2 of the Eastmark Community Plan. Jill Hegardt, DMB Associated, Inc., applicant; DMB Mesa Proving Grounds LLC, owner. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 7-0) *6-f 21-0157 ANX20-00665 (District 5) Annexing property located north of University Drive and west of Ellsworth Road (1.0± acre). Initiated by the applicant, Reese Anderson, Pew and Lake, P.L.C.; for the owners, Vance and Amanda Williams. *6-g 21-0214 Amending Title 6 of the Mesa City Code (Police Regulations) by repealing Chapter 14, entitled “Fair Housing,” in its entirety, and adding a new Chapter 14 entitled “Non-Discrimination Code,” prohibiting discrimination in public accommodations, employment, and housing on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, veteran’s status, marital status, or familial status, with certain exclusions. (Citywide) *6-h 7 Take action on the following subdivision plats: 21-0201 “Metro Mesa Phase lll” (District 3) Within the 1800 to 2000 blocks of South Hobson (east side); within the 600 to 800 blocks of East Baseline Road (north side); within the 1700 to 2000 blocks of South Horne (west side); and within the 600 to 800 blocks of East Auto Center Drive (south side). Located north of Baseline Road and east of Mesa Drive (47± acres). Metro East Valley Holdings Phase Three, LLC, developer; Geoffrey K. Brimhall, KAEKO, surveyor. *7-a City of Mesa Page 5 Printed on 2/18/2021 City Council Meeting Agenda - Tentative March 1, 2021 21-0202 “Metro Mesa Phase lV” (District 3) Within the 500 block of East Auto Center Drive (south side); and within the 1800 block of South Hobson (west side). Located north of Baseline Road and east of Mesa Drive (4.51± acres). Metro East Valley Holdings Phase Three, LLC, developer; Geoffrey K. Brimhall, KAEKO, surveyor. *7-b 21-0203 “The ANNEX at Cadence” (District 6) Within the 9300 to 9500 blocks of East Cadence Parkway (west side). Located east of Ellsworth Road and south of Ray Road (10.3± acres). Newport Homes, LLC, developer; Raymond S. Munoz III, EPS Group, surveyor. *7-c 21-0204 “Overlook at Forest Knoll” (District 1) Within the 2500 block of North Harris Drive (east side). Located west of Gilbert Road and north of McKellips Road (9.3± acres). 2515 Harris, LLC, developer; Philip M. Fedor, Bowman Consulting, surveyor. *7-d 

    8 Items not on the Consent Agenda 
    Take action on the following resolution: 
    21-0224 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Development Agreement, a Government Property Lease Excise Tax (GPLET) Lease Agreement, and a Perpetual Easement Agreement, for the development of approximately 9.7± acres of property generally located in downtown Mesa at the southeast corner of East Main Street and South Sirrine. 
    1_8HgUMNy7zb4YCU7WlmyNVg (2).png

    The three Agreements facilitate the redevelopment of the property into a mixed-use project consisting of four multi-story buildings with ground floor commercial, market-rate residential units, residential amenities, and parking, that will generate significant economic benefits to the City of Mesa. (District 4) 8-a 
    5bd22df5d04dca5d035e0529_klKr4rFyeKSnt2_Y23g1MKaWSu8TY1M3ORyEfRbbDBnHj7ELVdd4CiCRp2r5Z4EhWbWXIx3EINYA55S3Te8IDYjYxbBFDyyAxuz_J_SjHYMjgJtJPZNpfbEwLC324uoJ2Px5F-v2 (2).gif
    File #:21-0224   
    Type:ResolutionStatus:Agenda Ready
    In control:City Council
    On agenda:3/1/2021
    Title:Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Development Agreement, a Government Property Lease Excise Tax (GPLET) Lease Agreement, and a Perpetual Easement Agreement, for the development of approximately 9.7± acres of property generally located in downtown Mesa at the southeast corner of East Main Street and South Sirrine.
    The three Agreements facilitate the redevelopment of the property into a mixed-use project consisting of four multi-story buildings with ground floor commercial, market-rate residential units, residential amenities, and parking, that will generate significant economic benefits to the City of Mesa. (District 4)
    Attachments:1. Presentation,
    2. Council Report and Exhibits,
    3. Resolution,
    4. Development Agreement,
    5. GPLET Lease,
    6. Easement
    9 Items from citizens present. 
    (Maximum of three speakers for three minutes per speaker)

    10 Adjournment.

    City of Mesa Page 6 Printed on 2/18/2021

    Getting Green-Certified Here Now in Mesa ?? > An Announcement from The City of Mesa Newsroom

    It's one more "canned" press released - written not the any high-salaried longtime and loyal city employee on the staff, but by the Communications Manager for the partner organization that offers a kind of certification process to produce an "online directory and mobile app, making it easier for conscious consumers to find them. . ."
    Now really???
    Getting serious about funny: Psychologists see humor as a character strength
    Guess who's the first business to achieve the Green Business Certification in Mesa ??
    It has been no secret > STARDUST
    People who like re-cycled salvaged junk have all ready gone there for years
    Arizona Green Business Program launches in Mesa
    February 25, 2021 at 10:15 am
    Local First Arizona (LFA) is teaming up with the City of Mesa to recognize independently owned businesses that are doing good for the planet through the Arizona Green Business Program. This certification process for Arizona's locally owned businesses, large and small, has two purposes - to recognize businesses that are leading the way, and to assist those who want to add sustainability into their operations by making the process hands-on, cost-savings oriented and impactful.
    The first business to achieve the Green Business Certification in Mesa is Stardust Building Supplies, 1720 W. Broadway Road, a non-profit organization that exists to starve the landfill. They operate two reuse centers in Mesa and Glendale for home improvement which sell gently-used, salvaged and surplus building materials at affordable prices from cabinets to appliances and furniture. They also provide deconstruction services that salvage building materials, divert waste from landfills and support sustainability in the community.
    "Having our Mesa businesses work with Local First Arizona on the Arizona Green Business Program is a tremendous benefit to our entire community. I am especially proud that Stardust Building Supplies, which calls District 3 home, is being recognized for earning this certification," Mesa District 3 Councilmember Francisco Heredia said. "The positive impact to our environment is substantial and helping businesses maximize their efforts to go green will save them money and help them to stand out in the marketplace. I look forward to many more Mesa businesses taking advantage of this program and earning their certification."
    Businesses that have gone through the program in Phoenix and Tempe have made positive changes including installing water saving devices, starting programs to encourage sourcing of locally grown food, diverting waste properly, working on alternative transportation strategies for staff members and creating written policies that detail how sustainability is practiced throughout their operations.
    "We found the Local First Green Business Certification program to be extremely valuable in helping Stardust recognize the efforts we are making towards operating in a more sustainable fashion and helping us identify areas where we could make significant improvement. The resources Local First provided throughout the process were invaluable," Stardust Building Supplies CEO Karen Jayne said. "Operating in a sustainable fashion is not only great for the environment but also very beneficial to the community and our employees. I highly recommend the program and certification to anyone interested in environmentally sustainable business operations."
    To participate, businesses answer a checklist of questions focusing on waste diversion, energy consumption, water conservation, pollution prevention, wastewater management, transportation emissions and creating a sustainability culture in the workplace.
    > A site visit is performed to learn more about the business's sustainability practices, a custom sustainability plan is developed and ongoing assistance from the LFA team is available to help participants reach their goals. Businesses must reach a designated number of measures to achieve certification. Once certified, they are added to an online directory and mobile app, making it easier for conscious consumers to find them.

    "The Arizona Green Business Certification Program provides significant cost-savings and promotional opportunities for locally owned businesses in the community.
    This program is a model of sustainability best practices due to significant collaboration and strong partnerships. The involvement of local businesses is a proven strategy to create a stronger local economy with sustainability operations leading to larger cost-savings opportunities," Local First's Statewide Sustainability Director Mike Peel said. "We are very appreciative of the leadership of the City of Mesa to collaborate with our team to grow the reach of the program and have a larger impact for the benefit of the economy and the environment."
    The Arizona Green Business Program is open to independently owned businesses in Mesa, Phoenix and Tempe.
    More information can be found online at or by emailing Mike Peel at
    Contact: Maria Lopez, Communications Manager, Local First Arizona, 602-956-0909

    System Change NOT Charity > The Signs Are Everywhere, Here Hyper-Local + There In The World

    Sounds like a rad idea but it's not even hiding in plain sight anymore due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Here in Mesa, AZ making national headlines was something described as 'shocking' by both Mesa City Council member Mark Freeman and Hizzoner Mayor John Giles - 12,000 residents were going hungry when they showed one Friday at the Mesa Convention Center to pick-up food boxes lining up for hours waiting-in-line in lanes for drive-through relief from hunger. That's just a symptom that could no longer be ignored. It's only temporary relief.
    Tackling the underlying inequalities generated by a generations-old system isn't even on the radar screen now when there's a tale of two divided cities with a rising tide: some are in yachts and some in life-rafts. This is also the same city where migration was a crime
    Quotes about System failure (48 quotes)
    More > Let's get back to what is one more glaring emergency

    System change, not charity, will end the vaccine apartheid

    The Global South does not need charity, it needs G7 countries to lift their objections to scrapping rules which put making profit ahead of saving lives Global Justice Now

    by Nick Dearden

    "Late last week, the leaders of the most powerful countries on earth seemed to have been infected with a bout of internationalism. Ahead of a G7 meeting hosted by the United Kingdom, Prime Minister Boris Johnson called for a speeding up of vaccine development and more support to COVAX, the body which is supposed to ensure fair distribution of vaccines around the world. Johnson said “the hopes of the world rest on the shoulders of scientists”.Not to be outdone, on the eve of the meeting French President Emmanuel Macron called for wealthier countries to donate 5 percent of their vaccines to Africa immediately, warning: “We are allowing the idea to take hold [that] hundreds of millions of vaccines are being given in rich countries and that we are not starting in poor countries.”

    The problem Johnson and Macron outlined is only too real. The UN made clear that 75 percent of all COVID-19 vaccine doses administered to date have taken place in just 10 countries. Meantime, 130 countries have not so much as sniffed a dose. By hoarding vaccines, and bypassing international solutions to the pandemic, G7 governments have created vaccine apartheid.

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    But Johnson, Macron and other G7 leaders’ “internationalism” was really driven by two more cynical motives.

    First, with China and Russia distributing their own vaccines globally, the G7 fear they are losing the diplomatic war, weakening their power over the Global South in the longer term. Second, the outrage over vaccine inequality is pushing many world leaders and experts to back the proposal of India and South Africa to scrap patents on COVID-19-related medicines and allow them to be produced on a much wider scale. Johnson and Macron are fastidious supporters of the intellectual property system which benefit their own pharmaceutical industry, and they’re determined to see off any challenge to Big Pharma profits.

    Given this starting point, the G7’s proposals do not come close to meeting the needs of the world at this moment. Johnson’s pledge is nothing short of insulting. . . At first glance, it looks like the worst form of charity – handing over some old clothes only when you are sure you will never wear them again. But in fact, it is not even charity, as it seems Johnson, who appears to misunderstand the word “donation”, could actually charge lower-income countries for the UK’s cast-offs.

    The elephant in the Zoom call on Friday was the patent system. There is a very genuine solution being put forward by many southern countries, led by South Africa and India, and joined yesterday by the 55 countries of the African Union, to suspend patents on COVID-19-related vaccines, treatments and protective equipment. If the technology behind these medicines was openly shared it could be produced in larger quantities, across the world. As things stand, the patent system means even major vaccine manufacturers are producing very little of these products we all need so desperately.

    In the coming weeks, meetings at the World Trade Organization will again pit the North against the Global South on this issue. It is the most rank hypocrisy for those countries which pre-purchased the majority of the vaccines for 2021, to tell less wealthy countries they cannot produce their own medicines without express authorisation from big business. Their arguments focus on the need to create incentives for innovation. But this is nonsense because the COVID-19 vaccines have been produced largely with public money, with companies given indemnity if anything goes wrong. . .And now, it is responsible for dividing the world into two camps: countries that are rapidly vaccinating their people against COVID-19, and those that have no chance of achieving immunity for several years.


    It is time to put an end to this system. Even if it takes time, we need to build a global health system based on collaboration and sharing. It is within our grasp if we can overcome opposition from the richest in the world. Let us not be taken in by the G7’s less than generous donations. The Global South does not need charity, it needs G7 countries to lift their objections to scrapping rules which put making a profit ahead of saving lives.

    The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera’s editorial stance.



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