Friday, February 19, 2021

Extreme Weather Anomalies + Disruptions In Energy Supply Pipelines

It was a timely serendipitous coincidence yesterday at 07:30 in the morning for a presentation in front of a Mesa City Count Study Session about efforts to create and maintain an environmentally sustainable community.
What can I say? BETTER LATE THAN NEVER AT ALL... and without favoring any "special interests"
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Meeting Details:
21-0207 Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on the City’s efforts to create and maintain an environmentally sustainable community
Item 2-b Meeting Details and Attachment to open-and-read
File #:21-0207   
Type:PresentationStatus:Agenda Ready
In control:City Council Study Session
On agenda:2/18/2021
Title:Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on the City’s efforts to create and maintain an environmentally sustainable community.
Attachments:1. Presentation
From the City of Mesa Newsroom 
PLEASE NOTE: Image result for are they serious? animated gif

City of Mesa asking natural gas customers to conserve usage until February 21

February 18, 2021 at 12:51 pm
The recent extreme weather throughout most of the country has caused unprecedented levels of service interruptions to gas and electric utility customers throughout the southwest, especially in the state of Texas.
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Gas utilities in Arizona rely heavily on natural gas produced in the parts of Texas where extremely cold weather, snow and ice have caused power outages and stopped the production and transportation of natural gas, which Texas heavily relies upon to generate electric energy.
Image result for arizona natural gas pipeline map 2021

The state of Arizona has been fortunate that enough gas producing wells and interstate pipelines in the Texas panhandle have maintained the ability to send natural gas west to New Mexico, Arizona and California.

The Governor of Texas has ordered natural gas producers in Texas not to export product out of the state until February 21st and instead sell it to providers within Texas.

This order could jeopardize the ability of the City of Mesa's gas utility to acquire sufficient supplies to meet its customers' requirements.

As a result, the City of Mesa is asking its natural gas customers to conserve and curtail any non-essential uses of natural gas for the next several days.

Some ways to conserve include:

Turning off indoor and outdoor fireplaces and fire pits
Turning off pool and spa heaters
Reducing use of gas fueled outdoor lighting (tiki torches)
Minimizing use of hot water
Reducing the time taken for showers
Reducing the temperature on the thermostat for your heater
Dressing warmly inside your home 
Minimizing the number of times doors are opened and closed.
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The energy conserved, or that is not used, will allow the City to avoid purchasing gas supplies while prices are very high.

Renewable Energy Prices Hit Record Lows: How Can Utilities Benefit From Unstoppable Solar And Wind?

Image result for utilities cost might rise
Some States Are Setting 100% Goals
Others Have Some Targets > Note how Arizona stands out in between New Mexico and California
100% clean energy policies or renewable energy targets

The bottom line: Renewables are now cheaper than the average cost to operate coal and average cost to build new natural gas. Plunging clean energy prices have been made possible by both R&D and the economic "learning curve" concept: As more of a technology is deployed, it becomes cheaper and more efficient.

Add it all up, and this trend isn’t going away anytime soon. Utilities can capitalize on this trend while reducing emissions, but policy helping manage the financial transition is key to encouraging a smooth and rapid transition.

Opportunities for utilities with the right policy support

Some utilities have embraced the transition to clean energy, while others are still running uneconomic coal plants and building new natural gas. But as energy economics and state targets shift from fossil fuel to clean energy, the utilities that stick with a business-as-usual approach do so at their own peril, increasing the risk of expensive stranded assets and higher consumer electricity prices.


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