Tuesday, February 23, 2021

SLOW JAMMIN' HIZZONER JOHN GILES: All Suited-Up In The Lower Chambers \ Mesa City Council Meeting Mon 02.21.2021

What was the occasion to bring the mayor away from his remote location? For sure he is socially-distant and far removed from the reality that Equal Inclusive Rights are moving in to the mainstream for most Americans - with the exception of a city like Mesa - where Giles is the 40th Mayor falling in-step with his Latter-Day predecessors.
There Ya Go Dumb And Dumber GIFs | Tenor
He's always said 'it's the right thing to do' but can quite lead the way on Anti-Discrimation or Non-Discrimination. We are never far from where we were . . .and it's a very slow slog to get there.
After an off-camera swearing-in ceremony for two new judges, he states what follows  "IS A LOT LESS INTERESTING" .
They sure do take up a lot of time for that! Exactly more than hour - 1:48;40 to be exact and nothing but one amendment to a proposed draft on Equal Rights - with 6 exclusions - about the number of employees in small businesses that might be affected????????????
BETWEEN THE LINES: It's a charade to focus attention away from other items that city officials want to slide through under-the-radar of public scrutiny and oversight
THE GOOD NEWS: 40 Online Comments and 4 Phone Calls
e.g...and O Yeah >
2 minutes before the end, Giles says he's finding ways to address the homeless problem after 6 years in office
HERE'S A SURPRISE: District 6 Councilmember Kevin Thompson is the only one to vote NAY to schedule a public hearing for Monday, March 1, 2021



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