Saturday, February 27, 2021

REMOTE Zoom > City of Mesa Planning & Zoning Board Meeting Wed 02.24.2021

WHOA! Just in the knick of time for what is Item *5-a on the next day's Agenda for the early morning Mesa City Council Study Session staged in The Lower Chambers at 07:30 a.m. when practically no one except City Manager Chris knew about what the all-vanilla Board did. . .
Who's CURIOUS OR NOT?? Are they all still rubber-stamping unsustainable suburban sprawl?
What was the new condition applied for Approval of that Temp *5-a??
> 12 Views so far on this streaming video YouTube upload
> Please TURN ON CLOSED CAPTIONS - what they say is important to hear and read
> Running time: 01:49:05
> Keep an eye out for who asks the right questions, who says the least, and who gets the most air time

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