Readers of this blog are strongly urged and encouraged to watch-and-listen to an
almost 2-hour Study Session that took place last week. KEEP AN EYE on this to see how the session is conducted, the general demeanor of the participants as well as their indidual inputs into discussions, the reactions to questions and answers in the two presentations, and what the city manager and city manager have to say. . .
What is important here is
to keep our elected government - six district councilmembers and the mayor zooming
from remote locations (their home-offices), and a group of salaried city officials
gathered in The Lower Chambers where there's overhead broadcasting equipment open, transparent and accountable to the public.
PLEASE TURN ON THE CLOSED CAPTION OPTION WHEN YOU ACCESS YOUTUBE and note that viewers can pause and/or replay segments.
Note also that District 6 Council member Kevin Thompson is absent - for what is stated as "medical reasons" but has sent a letter to the city manager to be read out loud regarding the proposed draft for a change in city code about the Anti-Discrimination issue.
Hizzoner John Giles refers to the new review of that important issue as the Non-Discrimination Ordinance. . at this point in time it is not an Ordinance and it is more controversial than before.
Jennifer Duff has one about the 20% Contingency Fee in Items *7-c to *7-f, explained by a response that it's more than usual 5% allowed, when it is for service contracts for Parks & Recreation.
NOTE: more than a million dollars for Lanscapint
Mark Freeman, a 31-year veteran as Mesa Fire Captain, has a question about a contract award in Item *7-b where the city wants to get approval to purchase four new ________ and sell or auction off the current ones after their useful life has expired. AND who appears by magic? Mary Camel !
21-0199 Purchase of Fire Apparatus (Four Replacement Pumpers) for the Mesa Fire and Medical Department (Citywide)
The four replacement pumpers are part of MFMD’s ongoing apparatus replacement schedule and will be used as emergency response frontline units.
The four apparatus that are being replaced have met established replacement criteria and will be sold by a sealed bid process or traded-in as part of the City’s fire apparatus purchase agreement with Pierce Manufacturing. The City entered into a five-year fire apparatus Master Purchase Agreement with Pierce Manufacturing in 2014 and a three-year renewal in 2019. Staff is studying purchase options including apparatus brands for future purchases. The Mesa Fire and Medical Department and Purchasing recommend awarding this purchase to Pierce Manufacturing Inc., through their designated local dealer, Hughes Fire Equipment Inc., at $3,238,433.74. This purchase is funded by 2018 Public Safety Bonds. *7-b
City Manager Chris Brady has some things to say: 4 employment contracts for himself and three other longtime city employees. A new City Auditor (promoted from in-house_will be appointed and sworn in on Monday, . . some changes in the procedures for city magistrates
> 1 Appointment of Joseph Lisitano as City Auditor.
> 2 Appointment and swearing-in of Stephanie Olohan as City Magistrate.
> 3 Appointment and swearing-in of Stephen Umpleby as City Magistrate
21-0210 Authorizing the Mayor to sign an employment contract with the City Auditor.
21-0211 Authorizing the Mayor to sign an amendment to the employment contract with the City Clerk. *7-l
21-0212 Authorizing the Mayor to sign an amendment to the employment contract with the City Attorney. *7-m
21-0213 Authorizing the Mayor to sign an amendment to the employment contract with the City Manager. *7-n
21-0188 Approving and authorizing continued negotiations to acquire certain property along the Signal Butte Road Improvement Project, between Williams Field Road and Germann Road, and in order to avoid unnecessary construction expense and delays, authorizing and directing that fee title, easements, or other interests in, and possession of, certain property be acquired by the City of Mesa through eminent domain as a matter of public necessity. (District 6) *8-d
ANTI-DISCRIMINATION LAW /Fairness & Equality Here in Mesa > Repealing Police Regulations Title 6 Chapter 14 "Fair Housing" Mesa City Code + Adding Chapter 14 "Non-Disrimination Code"
A presentation dated February 18, 2021 has been prepared - it's listed as an item on the Tentative Agenda for next Monday, February 22nd and deserves more scrutiny in advance.
What's fair is fair AND WHAT IS INCLUSIVE EQUALITY are questions and answers that have yet to be addressed in one of the most conservative cities in America. Arizona's two larger cities approved and passed Anti-Discrimination Laws years ago - here there's been a lot of resistance for more than seven years.

Readers of this blog are actively encouraged to seek some oversight and examination of what is in the presentation for qualified, objective, and independent organizations involved in Arizona.
There are some questionable issues raised about how the proposed changes in City Code that are intended to include certain exclusions.
Here are a few attachments to open for Item *9-h on the Tentative Agenda for the Mesa City Council on Monday, February 22, 2021.
21-0214 Amending Title 6 of the Mesa City Code (Police Regulations) by repealing Chapter 14, entitled “Fair Housing,” in its entirety, and adding a new Chapter 14 entitled “Non-Discrimination Code,” prohibiting discrimination in public accommodations, employment, and housing on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, veteran’s status, marital status, or familial status, with certain exclusions. (Citywide) *9-h
Get the picture on how important Meeting Details are ???????
Highlights of Proposed Non-Discrimination Ordinance
February 18, 2021
Andrea Alicoate, Diversity Administrator
Jacqueline Ganier, Assistant City Attorney III
To ensure that Mesa’s diverse populations have equal access to and treatment in:
Who Does it Apply to:
Businesses and places of public accommodation
Employers and the workplace
City employees and facilities
City contractors and vendors
Federal government & state agencies & political subdivisions
Religious, public and charter schools
Religious corporations/organizations when furthering organization's purpose
Public accommodations that provide beneficial pricing or policies to senior citizens, veterans, students or individuals with disabilities
Speech & expressive activities & the free exercise of religion when protected under the First Amendment
Administrated by City Manager and/or designeeDiversity Administrator with City Attorney’s Office
No additional funding or staffing will be required
Complaints must be within 90 days of alleged violation
Note: Other AZ cities with similar ordinances have reported low volume of complaints
Resolution Process
City Manager is always permitted to address complaints through informal means, such as notices and/or warnings
First violations Section 6-14-7(A)(1)
Required to seek resolution through mediation or alternative means before citation
Second or subsequent violations
May seek resolution through mediation or alternative meansCivil Hearing Officer to handle all proceedings and make determination upon issuance of a citation Action/Civil Penalties can include:
First Violation: fined $300 per civil offense
Second Violation: fined not less than $300 nor more than $2,500 per civil offense
Third Violation: fined not less than $600 nor more than $2,500 per civil offense
If passed, will allow 120 days until effective date to allow for public education
Community & Business Engagement
Informational webpage
Online form/questionnaire
FAQ Sheets
Partner with agencies for training and questions
WAIT THERE'S MORE THAT NOBODY ASKED ABOUT - Here's one about 365 acres >
9 Introduction of the following ordinances and setting March 1, 2021 as the date of the public hearing on these ordinances:
21-0150 ZON20-00491 (District 6)
Within the 5200 to 5300 blocks of South Ellsworth Road (east side), the 5300 through 6200 blocks of the South Crismon Road alignment (east and west sides), the 9800 to 10000 blocks of the East Williams Field Road alignment (north and south sides) and the 10000 to 10200 blocks of East Williams Field Road (north side). Located on the north side of the future State Route 24 freeway alignment between Ellsworth Road to approximately one-quarter mile east of the Crismon Road alignment
(465± acres).
Major Amendment to the Pacific Proving Grounds North Community Plan, also known as the Cadence Community Plan.
This request is to modify sections of the approved Community Plan and Land Use Budget allocations for Development Unit 3 within the Plan. Susan Demmitt, Gammage and Burnham, PLC, applicant; PPGN-Williams, LLLP, owner. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 7-0) *9-a
21-0155 ZON20-00861 (District 6)
The 3600 to 4400 blocks of South Ellsworth Road (east side), the 3600 to 4200 blocks of South Eastmark Parkway (west side), the 9200 to 9600 blocks of East Elliot Road (south side), and the 9200 to 9800 blocks of East Warner Road (north side). Located south of Elliot Road and north of Warner Road between Ellsworth Road and Signal Butte Road
(325± acres).
Major Amendment to the Eastmark Community Plan.
This request is to modify the character descriptions for Development Units 1 and 2 of the Eastmark Community Plan. Jill Hegardt, DMB Associated, Inc., applicant; DMB Mesa Proving Grounds LLC, owner. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 7-0) *9-f
Note also that District 6 Council member Kevin Thompson is absent - for stated medical--
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