04 December 2021

ANDY'S WEEK IN REVIEW: Back to D.C. to continue working on the Fighting Fifth’s behalf. . .

Mr. Biggs was back in Washington after spending Thanksgiving with his family in Arizona. He's gone 'upstream' from his previous job as President of The Arizona Senate to occupy one seat in the hallowed halls of the United States House of Representatives.


The Week in Review

Happy Friday!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break. I spent my time back in Arizona with my family before heading back to D.C. to continue working on the Fighting Fifth’s behalf. A lot has happened this week, most prominently, a vote to continue funding the government. Read below to learn more: 

Funding the Government

On Wednesday, I led the House Freedom Caucus in calling for Senator McConnell to block the government funding bill - or continuing resolution (CR) - unless it prohibits funding and enforcement for President Biden’s vaccine mandates. Being in the minority means we must use every tool in our toolbox to push back on legislation that does not benefit Americans. In this case, Senate Republicans had all the leverage needed to prohibit funds from being used to enforce the vaccine mandates. Unfortunately, their efforts were not successful, and although I voted NO on the CR, it passed both the House and Senate late Thursday evening. This will not stop my efforts to end President Biden’s very damaging, unAmerican, and in the worst cases, unlawful vaccine mandates. Read more about our work here.  

Before I voted on the CR, I went on Varney & Co. to discuss the possibility of a government shutdown. As I said on the show, the Democrats use fearmongering and intimidation tactics to force members into passing spending bills, like the CR, that are a bad deal for the American people. But a handful of us (special thanks to Senator Mike Lee for leading the charge on the Senate side) stood strong against these tactics and demanded that Biden’s mandates be permanently blocked.  Check out the full interview below: 



Protect Life

On Wednesday, the Supreme Court heard arguments in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson’s Women’s Health Organization. It's a case that considers the legality of Mississippi’s ban on nearly all abortions after 15 weeks. There is nothing more fundamental and sacred in our Constitution than the right to life. At only 15 weeks, unborn babies have beating hearts, fully formed arms, legs, fingers, and toes, and they can feel pain. I encourage you to join me in praying for our Supreme Court Justices as they consider this case and for all the unborn who could be affected by it. See my video on it below:


"A for Effort"

On Thursday, I sent a letter, along with all my Republican colleagues on the Judiciary Committee, to Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler demanding that he schedule a hearing with Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas before the end of the year.  Chairman Nadler has ignored multiple previous requests to have Secretary Mayorkas testify before the House Judiciary Committee. This comes on the heels of Mayorkas giving himself an “A for effort” when asked how he would grade his work.  If Chairman Nadler agrees with the Secretary’s self-assessment, then he should be eager to help the Secretary to defend his grade. Check out my full letter below:


A Woke Military is No Defense At All

The proposed National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) will encourage critical race theory indoctrination and other “woke” policies while reducing our military preparedness. Forty-one Republican Senators can stand together against the blinding liberal programs in the NDAA per the Senate rules. They can make sure that vaccine mandates go away before they agree to forward the bill to the House. Republicans in the House also have the leverage to prevent passage of the bill because Democrats need Republican votes to pass the bill. We should stand united against the NDAA until the elimination of vax mandates and other woke policies. Our military will still be adequately funded, but freed from the woke nonsense from the Left. Check out my op-ed below:


Oversight Hearing Remarks

Check out my statement in an Oversight Committee hearing on “The Future of Federal Work”. Spoiler alert: Fauci has no place in the federal government, or any government, for that matter. 

Click below:


Tweets of the Week

If you haven’t already, make sure to follow me on my social media pages for my daily updates on all things politics. In the meantime, here are a few tweets from this past week worth highlighting:

















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Bills Co-sponsored:

H.R. 6105 - To terminate the public health emergency with respect to COVID-19 on December 25, 2021

Letters Co-signed

Rep. Roy letter to Leaders McCarthy and McConnell regarding vaccine mandate and the CR and NDAA

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