07 December 2021


Not an expected decision to leave his elected public office to answer a new calling - or is it another chance to advance for another season and one more episode as The Donald's Not-So-New Journeyman as The Chief Executive Officer?
Here's the story published in Politico

Nunes quits Congress for Trump Media job

Right to it: "Rep. Devin Nunes, a close ally of former President Donald Trump and the former chair of the House Intelligence Committee, will resign from Congress later this month to run Trump's new social media company.

Nunes (R-Calif.), a 10-term Republican first elected in 2002, ascended to chair the committee in 2015. But he recused himself temporarily from an inquiry into Russia’s involvement in the 2016 presidential election while the ethics committee examined his handling of the committee’s investigation.

While the independent commission charged with redrawing California’s congressional map is still completing its work, an early draft tilted Nunes’ Central Valley district toward Democrats, potentially complicating his path to reelection.

Trump Media & Technology Group said in a statement Monday that Nunes would become CEO of the company in January.

“The time has come to reopen the Internet and allow for the free flow of ideas and expression without censorship," Nunes said in the statement. "The United States of America made the dream of the Internet a reality and it will be an American company that restores the dream."

While Trump’s fledgling media company makes a logical landing spot for Nunes given his closeness with the former president — and their shared animosity toward the mainstream media — Trump’s media entity is also facing legal headwinds. The Securities and Exchange Commission and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority are scrutinizing a special purpose acquisition company working with Trump Media & Technology Group.

In choosing not to remain in Congress, Nunes is achieving on his own terms what California Democrats could not in multiple well-funded attempts to unseat him. A Republican representing California’s agriculture-dominated Central Valley, Nunes has become a primary campaign target for Democrats given Nunes’ loyalty to Trump. . ."


March 6, 2018
SERIOUSLY > How Politicians Troll The Media / Be Less Stupid, Please
      Seriously, folks
Why the media take the bait and viewers fall for it.
Published on Mar 5, 2018
Views: 241,065
Politicians are trolling the media to advance their own agendas >
You KNOW that now
The Nunes memo fiasco shows how politicians troll the media
Why the media take the bait and viewers fall for it.
In each case, congressional Republicans promised news outlets they were uncovering bombshell evidence of wrongdoing on the part of President Donald Trump’s critics at the FBI.
In each case, news networks spent countless segments repeating Republican allegations and investigating their truthfulness.
And in each case, the allegations turned out to be bogus.
These stories all have a happy ending. The truth came out, eventually. Fact-checking prevailed.
But if you look at these stories as red herrings — as pseudo-scandals meant to provoke news outlets in such a way that reinforced Republicans’ animosity towards the FBI — news networks fell for a cynical trap.
These stories highlight traditional media’s vulnerability to trolling.
Politicians like Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), who hype bogus allegations against political opponents, will often be rewarded with wall-to-wall news coverage, interviews, and media speculation. If those allegations turn out to be false, research shows that many viewers will still be influenced by the false information even after stories are debunked.
That’s created a news environment that rewards politicians who are willing to temporarily stake their reputations in order to bait news networks.
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Between Rep. Devin Nunes’ (R-CA) secret memo, allegations of missing text messages, and the panic over a so-called “secret society” in the FBI, the past few weeks of political news coverage have been dominated by Republican pseudoscandals. And while each of these alleged “bombshells” has turned out to be a dud, these stories raise questions about whether GOP politicians are intentionally baiting journalists -- trolling them into covering conspiracy theories in order to raise doubts about the FBI and the ongoing Mueller investigation.

Read why the Nunes memo was a dud on vox.com:
And how the media fell for it anyway: http://bit.ly/2CZMaoQ

Vox.com is a news website that helps you cut through the noise and understand what's really driving the events in the headlines. Check out http://www.vox.com.
September 23, 2021
Intro: The subject of this lawsuit involve claims of defamation against a reporter
(This case is certainly quite messy, but it remains difficult to see any way in which this case makes sense for the Nunes' family beyond as a harassment technique itself.)
"The saga of Devin Nunes' family's lawsuit against reporter Ryan Lizza and Esquire Magazine got even more bizarre last week. Back in June, we had written about some heavily redacted documents in the case that suggested that Nunes' lawyer, Steven Biss, was playing some very dangerous games in order to try to keep the employees of the NuStar Farms (owned by Nunes' relatives) from testifying as to their immigration status.
As you may recall, the only part of the lawsuit that was still going on were defamation claims regarding the implication that the farm might employ undocumented workers, which would be noteworthy, considering Devin Nunes hardline stance on immigration. . .
Still, much of the information remained redacted. Law professor Eugene Volokh filed a brief asking the court to unseal some of the documents in the case, and late last week the court agreed.
So now we get to see a lot more, and as Elizabeth Dye at Above the Law points out, the new details show that this lawsuit "is even grosser than expected."

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