Friday, November 25, 2022

For Last Year: BEA Announcement: New and Revised Statistics of the U.S. Digital Economy, 2005–2021


BEA Announcement: New and Revised Statistics of the U.S. Digital Economy, 2005–2021

BEA released a report today describing new and updated digital economy statistics for 2005-2021.
The digital economy accounted for 10.3 percent of U.S. gross domestic product, or $2.41 trillion in current-dollar value added, in 2021, according to new statistics from BEA. The inflation-adjusted average annual growth rate from 2016 to 2021 was 6.7 percent. The updated Digital Economy Satellite Account includes detailed data tables and research on methodology for measuring the digital economy.
The report, along with associated data tables, can be found at:

Digital Economy | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

11 - 14 minutes

Digital Economy Satellite Account


A new report with statistics covering the period from 2005 to 2021 was released in November 2022. This report introduces updated digital economy estimates and replaces earlier estimates.

BEA includes in its definition of the digital economy four major types of goods and services:

  • Infrastructure, or the basic physical materials and organizational arrangements that support the existence and use of computer networks and the digital economy, primarily information and communications technology (ICT) goods and services.
  • E-commerce, or the remote sale of goods and services over computer networks.
  • Priced digital services, or services related to computing and communication that are performed for a fee charged to the consumer.
  • Federal nondefense digital services represents the annual budget for federal nondefense government agencies whose services are directly related to supporting the digital economy.

BEA is continuing to explore data and methodology to expand the coverage of the digital economy estimates. For more information on the goods and service currently included in the BEA estimates, please see the latest report "New and Updated Digital Economy Statistics—November 2022PDF".

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International Trade in ICT and Potentially ICT-Enabled Services

BEA's statistics on trade in information and communications technology (ICT) and potentially ICT-enabled services complement its standard presentation of international trade in services statistics by examining the extent to which ICT may be used to facilitate trade in services. ICT services are those used to facilitate information processing and communication; potentially ICT-enabled services are services that can predominantly be delivered remotely over ICT networks. BEA measures potentially ICT-enabled services rather than ICT-enabled services themselves because for many types of services the actual mode of delivery is unknown.

  • Previously Published Estimates XLS
    Country estimates in these files use a slightly different definition of ICT and potentially ICT-enabled services than in the interactive data.

Price Measurement of High-Tech Goods and Services

BEA is consistently working toward improving price measurement, especially for high-tech goods and services which frequently experience changing characteristics, improved quality, and price changes relative to other goods and services.

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