Saturday, November 19, 2022

Russia Today: Undersea Explosives @ Nordsream2 Pipeline in A 3-Nation Probe Rejecting Russia Participation

Intro: Russia said the refusal by the EU nations to allow it to be involved in the investigation of the blasts raises the question of whether they want the truth about it to come out. . .The three countries - Germany, Sweden, and Denmark are conducting their own probe and rejected  the idea of forming a joint team, citing 'national security grounds.' (there are 158 comments)

✓  Three of the four strings of Russia’s Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines, which run under the Baltic Sea from Russia to Germany, were damaged in late September. Swedish seismologists said at the time they registered two explosions on the gas routes.

Russia initiated a probe into the incident, condemning it as an “act of international terrorism.” After their own investigations, Sweden and Denmark both found that the leaks on the pipelines were caused by explosions, but have not said who might be responsible. Russia's Defense Ministry said it suspects the British Navy, an accusation that London has denied.

18 Nov, 2022 11:01

Traces of explosives found on Nord Stream debris – Sweden


The gas pipeline, linking Russian to Germany, was apparently blown up in September

(FILE PHOTO. A gas leak in the sea in Swedish waters after explosions damaged the Nord Stream undersea pipelines. ©  Swedish Coast Guard)

"Swedish investigators have found traces of explosives on fragments of “foreign objects” recovered from the blast sites of the Nord Stream undersea pipelines, the nation’s security service SAPO said on Friday. The new evidence confirms that the energy links were targeted in an act of sabotage, it said. 

“The advanced analysis work is still in progress – the aim is to draw more definitive conclusions about the Nord Stream incidents,” the agency said. “The investigation is extensive and complex and will eventually show whether anyone can be suspected of, and later prosecuted for this.” 

The explosions that breached three of the four strings of the pipelines, and damaged the fourth, took place in late September. The Nord Stream infrastructure linked Russia directly to Germany but was not fully operational at the time of the attack due to the rift between Russia and Western nations over the crisis in Ukraine. 

The incident happened as the German public was becoming increasingly unsettled by rising energy prices, a trend partially attributable to the EU’s decision to break off trade with Moscow in retaliation for its military operation in Ukraine. The Nord Stream incident made it physically impossible to resume direct supplies under the Baltic Sea.

 NOTE: “As of November 2, 2022, Nord Stream AG has completed the initial data collection at the site of the damage to the first string of the pipeline in Sweden's exclusive economic zone. According to the preliminary results of the inspection of the damaged area, technogenic craters of 3 to 5 meters in depth were found on the seabed at a distance of about 248 meters from each other,” the company said in a statement.

Officials in Moscow saw the US as the biggest beneficiary of the situation. Washington has long pressured Germany to reduce energy cooperation with Russia and offered its more expensive liquefied natural gas (LNG) as an alternative. 

The Russian military claimed that the UK may have been involved in the plot, a suggestion that its British counterparts ridiculed. 

Russia said the refusal by the EU nations to allow it to be involved in the investigation of the blasts raises the question of whether they want the truth about it to come out. Germany, Sweden, and Denmark are each conducting its own probe. The two Nordic nations have a jurisdiction claim because the pipelines run through their exclusive economic zone. The three countries rejected the idea of forming a joint team, citing national security grounds."


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