13 November 2022

WHOA!...Another Former Fox News Reporter is Making Headlines with Melinda Gates

 Here's the TMZ Scoop via The Daily Mail - The billionaire, 58, who is newly single following her split from Microsoft founder Bill Gates, has been secretly dating former Fox News reporter Jon Du Pre, 68, 'for months', according to a recent TMZ report. Du Pre, who has worked across the country as a news anchor in various cities, was previously married 1985's Miss Utah Gina Larsen

✓ The pair met while both studying journalism at the Mormon college Brigham Young. . .


Melinda Gates's new boyfriend Jon Du Pre abused his Miss Utah ex-wife when she was pregnant

Paul Farrell

Melinda Gates's new boyfriend Jon Du Pre admitted in his memoir abusing his Miss Utah ex-wife when she was pregnant following his own turbulent Mormon childhood

, updated

  • Melinda Gates, soon to be divorced from her billionaire husband Bill, has been dating ex-Fox News reporter Jon Du Pre for months
  • In a 2000 memoir about his abusive father, Du Pre wrote about his own abuse of his wife, former Miss Utah Gina Larsen
  • The news anchor wrote about one encounter saying that he was 'loaded with explosive rage' and that his then-wife 'didn't have a chance'
  • Du Pre wrote in another section that he 'licked his lips' when he saw his former wife compete in the bathing suit portion of Miss America in 1986 

Melinda Gates' rumored new boyfriend has admitted to verbally abusing his ex-wife while she was pregnant, in an unearthed except of his 2000 memoir. . .

The book is based primarily around Du Pre's abusive relationship with his father, Robert, a once prominent civil rights lawyer and FBI agent who was accused of spying on suspected communists in Hollywood in the 1950s. 

He said that his father's social life revolved around drinking and carousing which often left the family without enough money for food.  

Du Pre recounts the abuse he inflicted upon his wife writing: 'Welcome to the real world, princess, where not everyone is happy. For once, this one's not about you, you spoon-fed, spoiled-rotten b****. This one's about me. 

'I'm going to find out why my father f****d up my life, and p*** on you for trying to make me feel guilty about it.'

. . . In a more endearing note, Du Pre wrote about seeing his future wife competing in Miss America in Atlantic City in 1986. He said: 'I licked my lips when I saw her in that bathing suit.' 

An article from the period describes Gina's bathing suit as a 'white suit made by Trina Best of Provo, Utah.' 

They were married at the Salt Lake Temple of the Church of Latter-day Saints. His book became such a success that he was invited on to Oprah Winfrey's talk show to discuss his childhood. 

During their marriage, the couple had three children with her ex-husband, Kasey, Jessie and Jonny. 

According to her LinkedIn page, Gina still uses the last name Du Pre. Like her ex-husband's current girlfriend, she has a background in IT working as a virtual services account manager with Cisco. 

Gina previously worked for tech giants such as CIS and Adobe. Prior to going into the IT world, Gina was a a news anchor for KSL5, a Salt Lake City-based station. 

She graduated from Brigham Young in 1986. Following graduation, she spent time working at WFRV-TV in Green Bay Wisconsin, where Du Pre was working at the time. The couple moved back to Utah in 1988. 

In a glowing tribute on that page, Kasey Du Pre wrote of his mother: 'Gina is essentially the Steph Curry of life, making things appear to be way easier than they are. While raising 3 kids as a single mom, Gina put all 3 of her children through college because of her relentless work ethic and ability to meet sales quota.' 

Since her marriage to Du Pre, Gina remarried motivational speaker Todd King, also a Brigham Young graduate. 

At the 1985 Miss Utah competition, Gina sang the song 'The Greatest Love of All' for the talent portion of the pageant. 

After Melinda and Bill split, the 58-year-old spoke out in detail about what lead to the uncoiling of her marriage, and she said there wasn't one particular thing that lead to their breakup, but rather, it was a bunch of things that added up over time. 

She revealed that she slowly realized she 'wasn't healthy' in the relationship, and that she could no longer 'trust what she and Bill had.'

Now, it looks like she may have found someone new - and her rumored beau appears to be a major step in another direction from her romance to Bill."

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