02 August 2024

19th-century Zelenskiyy Mansion in Downtown Kyiv Reduced-to-Rubble. . .Rival Kyiv Mayor Denies Blame for Demolition

The destruction of the Zelenskiy mansion is only the latest episode in a chain of problems mounting up since the start of the Russian invasion, and even before.
Earlier this year, Kyiv authorities had to close six metro stations that connected one of the most populated districts with the rest of the city after cracks appeared in tunnels, releasing ground water.

"It wasn’t a Russian missile that reduced the elegant 19th-century Zelenskiy mansion in downtown Kyiv to rubble; a Ukrainian developer demolished it to build yet another high rise," reports Politico. 

Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko is blamed for the destruction of the monument and is increasingly accused of major errors in city management.

Activists who tried to stop the bulldozer on July 19 to save the city’s heritage said they were "beaten back by heavies." 
A wooden plaque beside the ruins, where the mustard classical façade once stood, reads: "This building was destroyed at the initiative of Vitaly Klitschko."

Klitschko under fire for Zelensky's residence demolition, metro woes amid war

Story by Mateusz Czmiel
 • 15h

Zelensky's fortune in ruins. Klichko blamed for the disaster

Zelensky’s manor ruined
To the outside world, Klitschko, the former world heavyweight boxing champion, is one of the most recognizable and tersely polite faces of Ukrainian resistance against Russian President Vladimir Putin’s murderous attack. However, to a growing number of Kyiv residents, he is failing them as the city’s mayor, a position he has held for 10 years.
Many complaints focus on his failure to stop ruthless developers from levelling the city’s heritage — the destruction of Zelenskyy’s residence (unrelated to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy — editor’s note) and other historic buildings — as well as the alleged involvement of his administration in severe infrastructural problems, such as the cracking of metro tunnels.

“Klitschko does not share responsibility for what is happening in his city,” Kyiv activist Dmytro Perov, who has been fighting the demolition of historic buildings for over eight years, told Politico.

Klitschko: It’s political vendetta
Klitschko denies the accusations. He claims that his administration facilitates the life of real estate tycoons and views the criticism as "political vendetta."

Vitaly Klitschko’s critics come out swinging over boxing champ’s record as Kyiv mayor

Klitschko sees a political vendetta in complaints his administration failed to stop destruction of the city’s heritage and to improve infrastructure.

". . .According to Klitschko, the blame lies with central authorities. Over his decade at the helm, he said the city proposed a bill that would that would allow the city of Kyiv to confiscate historical buildings from owners who neglected them, or at least fine them.

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