Wednesday, June 29, 2016

How Computers Learn To Be Creative

We're on the edge of a new frontier in art and creativity — and it's not human. Blaise Agüera y Arcas, principal scientist at Google, works with deep neural networks for machine perception and distributed learning. In this captivating demo, he shows how neural nets trained to recognize images can be run in reverse, to generate them. The results: spectacular, hallucinatory collages (and poems!) that defy categorization. "Perception and creativity are very intimately connected," Agüera y Arcas says. "Any creature, any being that is able to do perceptual acts is also able to create."
Video Link >>
Interactive transcript: here

Software architect
Blaise Agüera y Arcas works on machine learning at Google. Previously a Distinguished Engineer at Microsoft, he has worked on augmented reality, mapping, wearable computing and natural user interfaces.

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Looking Back : Jerry Lewis LD18 AZ State Senate Campaign Announcement

Uploaded on Jul 27, 2011
Raw footage of the campaign announcement of Mesa resident Jerry Lewis for the Nov. 8 recall election in LD18.
Current mayor John Giles was the co-chairman for his election campaign - Lewis lost.
. . . and here's an endorsement Scott Smith
 [produced by Jillian Studios]


Covering Mesa: Code Enforcement

Mesa 11 Live Stream

The live stream for the City of Mesa Channel 11 in Mesa Arizona - a lot of real estate industry adverts.

Readers can get livrstreams and on-demand videos all the time at

Three Amigos Summit Now in Ottawa

Parks & Recreation> Mesa's Oldest Municipal Park Gets Its Due

Maybe it took a longtime - about 5years with all kinds of delays and "holds" - to put some of that 2012 $70M taxpayer-funded Parks & Recreation Bond Issue for debt obligations to good use with the 2017 deadline fast approaching [and a possible hike in new taxes included in the budget for FY2016/2017] but now the city will soon find a contractor.
See it Here
On November 6, 2012 Mesa voters approved the Parks $70 million Bond Program. ... Preliminary Master Plan [PDF] ... Pioneer Park ... Concept Plan [PDF]
Park Score 2016 >> Mesa Ranked #91 out of top 100 - scoring only 34 out of 100 points
Using mapping technology and demographic data, we determined how well each city is meeting the need for parks.
See the full ranking analysis.
Link to this interactive map right below

Park Facts

  • Park acreage: 2,521 acres
  • People served per park acre: 183
  • Oldest municipal park: Pioneer Park, est. 1947
  • Largest municipal park: Red Mountain Park, 582 acres
  • Most-visited municipal park: Riverview Park

City Stats

  • City area: 83,578 acres
  • Median park size: 2.6 acres
  • Park land as % of city area: 3.0 %
  • Spending per resident: $69.96.  
  • Basketball Hoops per 10,000: 2.6
  • Dog Parks per 100,000 Residents: 0.4
  • Playgrounds per 10,000: 1.4
  • Recreation / Senior Centers
    per 20,000 Residents: 0.2
  • Population density: 5.5 per acre

The Social Progress Imperative > Measuring Social Progress Not Wealth

Published on June 28,2016
Views: 157


29 Jun 2016

News Release: Social Progress Imperative
Embargo: 21:00, June 28th 2016, US EDT
Contact: Olly Kendall: +44 (0)7793 224749 /
  • Finland tops 2016 Social Progress Index + Canada, Australia and UK also perform well
  • U.S. slips to 19th with “disappointing” score: joins China, Russia + Iran among weakest performers
  • Costa Rica, Uruguay, Ghana + Senegal exceed expectations
  • (21:00, June 28th 2016, US EDT) Higher GDP per capita alone does not determine real quality of life. This is according to the 2016 Social Progress Index published today by US-based nonprofit, the Social Progress Imperative. The Index ranks Finland the world’s most socially progressive country; Canada in second place tops the G7 nations.
    Economic growth is not the sole determinant of quality of life
    The 2016 Index finds that while social progress—which includes measures of opportunity, healthcare, education and tolerance—does tend to rise as GDP increases, economic wealth on its own does not explain social progress outcomes.
    As well as measuring absolute performance on social progress, the report compares each country to 15 other nations with similar GDP per capita to establish strengths and weaknesses relative to those countries with broadly equivalent national wealth. Against this benchmark Costa Rica, Uruguay, Ghana and Senegal are among the countries classed as ‘over-performers’ on social progress this year. Costa Rica – the world’s biggest over-performer and with a GDP per capita of $14,232, achieves a level of social progress almost as high as the Republic of Korea at less than half its GDP per capita ($33,629).
    Michael Green, Executive Director of the Social Progress Imperative, said: “The Social Progress Index proves that GDP is not destiny. We need more countries to be like Costa Rica, which squeezes a lot of social progress out of its modest GDP.”
    At the other end of the scale, the United States—with a GDP per capita of $52,118—finishes “a disappointing” 19th on the 2016 Index and is classed as one of the significant under-performers relative to its wealth. The US is the only major Western democracy among the world’s most significant under-performers (relative to its GDP), alongside China, Russia, Iran, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia. Finland ($38,535 GDP per capita) and Canada ($42,778 GDP per capita) both outperform the US across a wide range of components including on health, tolerance and personal rights despite lower national wealth. Michael Green, Executive Director of the Social Progress Imperative, said: “It’s difficult to escape the conclusion that this is yet another disappointing result for the US and that citizens are getting a pretty raw deal when it comes to translating the country’s wealth into social progress.”
    We are Mongolian—average human lived experience is same as Central Asian country
    The ‘average’ social progress of every citizen on the planet is equivalent to that of Mongolia. The Central Asian nation, bordering China and Russia, is the most sparsely populated country in the world. The 2016 Index measured the social progress of 99% of the world’s population. The Index assesses social progress independently of GDP and includes measures of healthcare, education, housing, policing, rights and tolerance, using a total of 53 separate indicators to arrive at a ranking for the issues that matter most to people.

    The world as a whole performs best on issues such as hunger, child mortality, and primary school enrollment, showing the impact of the UN Millennium Development Goals. The world struggles most with issues of personal rights, and also tolerance and inclusion. The toughest challenges for social progress are on environmental quality and health and wellness, which do not tend to improve as countries get richer.
    Social progress across the globe is worse for younger people
    By dividing the world into three age groups (under-25s, over-55s and those in-between), the 2016 Index is able to examine the social progress gap across generations. Young people, overall, experience relatively low social progress, with a weighted score of 60.15 (corresponding to a rank of 93), while the oldest population group has a weighted score of 67.63 (rank of 59). The youngest age group lives in countries lagging in nearly every social progress component, particularly in ‘water and sanitation’ and ‘access to advanced education’.

    Canada, Australia & UK rival Nordic model for social progress success
    Five of the twelve countries that achieve ‘Very High’ Index scores are from the Nordic region—Finland (1st), Denmark (3rd), Sweden (6th), Norway (7th) and Iceland (10th=). But the Nordic model is not the only route to success. Canada (2nd), Australia (4th), Switzerland (5th), Netherlands (8th), UK (9th), New Zealand (10th=) and Ireland (12th) all achieve ‘Very High’ social progress too. Michael Green, Executive Director of the Social Progress Imperative, said: “Whilst the Nordic model of social responsibility is rightly seen as a world-beater, in fact, this year’s Index demonstrates that you don’t need to be from a Nordic nation to enjoy very high levels of social progress. Policy-makers around the world would do well to look at countries like Canada and Australia to learn what leaders are successfully doing to improve the lives of their citizens.”

    David Cruickshank, Deloitte Global Chairman, said: “As the world faces an increasingly complex set of global challenges, the Social Progress Index serves as a roadmap that can guide policy investments, business decisions, and resources.” He added, “At Deloitte, we believe that business has both the expertise and the imperative to help address these challenges and improve societal well-being. Our sponsorship of SPI aligns with our belief that the business community has much to give, and benefit from, by working with government and civil society to help drive social progress and achieve growth that is more inclusive and sustainable.”
    Sally Osberg, President and CEO of the Skoll Foundation, said: “The issues the Social Progress Index identifies and tracks are the very issues people around the world care about because the quality of their lives hinges on them. The SPI has proven invaluable to governments, businesses, and philanthropies like the Skoll Foundation, which invests in social entrepreneurs driving solutions to the world’s thorniest and most pressing problems. By shining a light on where we’re advancing social progress and where we’re still falling short, the SPI helps us all be more effective agents of change.”
    Global highlights:
    • Finland is this year’s top performing country, followed by Canada (2nd), Denmark (3rd), Australia (4th) and Switzerland (5th). Though these countries’ social progress scores are very similar, their GDP per capita varies. 1st placed Finland in fact has the lowest GDP per capita ($38,535) of the top 5 (Canada—$42,778; Denmark—$42,758; Australia—$43,219; Switzerland—$55,260), showing that higher GDP can help generate higher social progress but it is not the whole story.
    • Canada (2nd) is the best performing G7 country, scoring significantly higher than the US (19th). This is despite the fact that US GDP per capita ($52,118) is considerably higher than Canada’s ($42,778).
    • Brazil (46th) is the best of the BRICS, followed by South Africa (59th), Russia (75th), China (84th) and India (98th). Russia has a much higher GDP per capita ($23,293) than Brazil ($15,110) and yet ranks much lower on the Social Progress Index.
    • The most significant under-performers relative to GDP are the Gulf States: Saudi Arabia (65th, $49,537); Kuwait (45th, $69,878) and the UAE (39th, $64,563). Countries of North Africa, such as Egypt and Algeria are also significant under-perfomers. Other resource rich countries perform poorly as well, including Russia, Kazakhstan, Nigeria and Venezuela. The US and China both also under-perform.
    • In general, the EU+EFTA group of countries perform well, even relative to their high GDP per capita. The strong performance of the first wave of Eastern European countries that were once part of the Communist Bloc suggests that EU Membership has been strongly beneficial to social progress.
    • Latin America and Caribbean and Sub-Saharan Africa dominate the list of countries that perform well on the 2016 Index relative to GDP per capita, including Costa Rica, Uruguay, Nicaragua, Jamaica, Malawi, Rwanda, Ghana and Senegal. Nepal stands out as a strong over-performer in South Asia.
    • It is possible to calculate a global social progress score, as a sum of country scores weighted by population. On this measure the world as a whole scores 62.88/100 on the Social Progress Index, equivalent to Kyrgyzstan or Mongolia.
    • The Index ranked 133 countries based on their social and environmental performance and, including countries for which partial data was found, measured the social progress of 99% of the world’s population—using 53 separate indicators to arrive at a ranking for the issues that matter most to people.
    • The world shows a markedly strong performance on two components of the Social Progress Index in particular: ‘nutrition and basic medical care’ and ‘access to basic knowledge’. It is notable that these components encompass many of the priorities of the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals (now replaced by the Sustainable Development Goals) that have been a major focus of aid and development efforts for the past 15 years.
    • The components of the Social Progress Index where the world fares worst are ‘tolerance and inclusion,’ ‘personal rights,’ ‘access to advanced education,’ and ‘environmental quality.’ These are issues where even the more advanced countries can struggle to score highly. ‘Tolerance and inclusion’ and ‘personal rights’ are also less correlated with GDP per capita while ‘environmental quality’ improves only marginally as GDP per capita increases.
    Notes to editors:

    2016 Results
    The full, interactive dataset from the Index will be available from 21:00, June 28th 2016, US EDT at: . Please note that due to a variety of changes made to this year’s index, the 2016 Social Progress Index is not comparable to the 2015 Social Progress Index

    Professor Michael E Porter > Social Progress Index

    Balancing Past & Future > 3D Modeling/ESRI from 2012

    3D model of downtown Mesa
    [Notice Parking Lot Areas]
    Being able to see how downtown Mesa would look with the completed light rail system and subsequent redevelopment helped the public see the benefits of having this mode of mass transit in the city of Mesa. This project has also opened the minds of city leaders and citizens to the benefits of 3D GIS analysis for standard city operations.
    Source: Summer 2012 Edition
    Balancing Past and Future
    Using 3D GIS analysis to route light rail through historic Mesa
    By Cory Whittaker, City of Mesa, Arizona
    In December 2008, the Valley Metro Light Rail system debuted in the Phoenix Metro area. [Valley Metro Rail Inc., a nonprofit public corporation, operates a high-capacity transit system in this region.] In the months that followed, the City of Mesa's single station had more passengers than any other stop on the system.
    When this trend continued, Valley Metro decided to expand the light rail system through downtown Mesa. This announcement was seen as a victory for revitalization efforts in the city. Neighboring cities have seen that light rail is a catalyst for transit-oriented development of nearby properties
    The proposed route takes the light rail line through the heart of downtown Mesa to cultural venues such as the Mesa Arts Center and the Arizona Museum of Natural History. The route also passes through the historical center of the city of Mesa, where buildings and places of historic significance—some listed on the National Register of Historic Places—are located.
    To better understand how this project would interact with the nearby historic buildings, 3D GIS visualization tools were used. These tools gave decision makers and the public a virtual view of what downtown Mesa might look like after the light rail system was completed.

    Modeling Downtown Mesa
    Before the light rail expansion was proposed, the City of Mesa GIS staff conducted a pilot project to assess the feasibility of modeling downtown Mesa in 3D given existing departmental resources. . . This successful pilot project provided the impetus to begin creating a 3D model of downtown Mesa.
    This 3D rendering shows the proposed development intensity for residential (yellow), commercial (red), and mixed use (purple). The number of stories and lot coverage for each is shown

    Working with the Community
    The city needed to establish policies for development along the light rail route. Upon completion and approval, these policies would be organized into a document called the Central Main Plan. . .
    The committee performed one key exercise, called the Reality Check, using the 3D GIS visualization tools to answer four important questions about the future development along the light rail route:
    • Where should infill and redevelopment occur?
    • What areas are off limits to redevelopment?
    • What will be the intensity of the development/redevelopment that is envisioned?
    • Is this achievable?
    . . . With these questions in mind, committee members were asked to map where they would put 4,000 dwelling units and 1.8 million square feet of nonresidential floor space. . .
    After compiling the results, city planners had a blueprint of where and how much redevelopment would be possible. Parking lots, a few existing buildings, and vacant lots were identified as potential redevelopment sites.
    With the redevelopment areas, number of dwelling units, and the amount of nonresidential square footage defined for each area, city management requested a 3D GIS analysis for these areas. Calculations, based on the number of dwelling units, square footage, land use, and lot coverages, showed how tall buildings would need to be to fulfill the proposed requirements. Buildings at these heights were displayed in 3D next to existing building footprints. The three light rail stations and rail tracks associated with them were also modeled in 3D. This analysis explained complex development planning criteria to Mesa citizens in an easily digestible format that helped them envision redevelopment potential along the light rail path.
    At first glance, the redevelopment areas had something in common. The majority of the buildings along the light rail route in downtown Mesa front along the street with large parking lots behind them. Because most of the proposed redevelopment is slated for these parking lots, they are a blank canvas for downtown revitalization

    The historic Alhambra Hotel
    shown with the adjacent proposed redevelopment
    Seeing Today and Tomorrow
    Preserving the historic character of downtown Mesa was a key priority. The Alhambra Hotel was built in 1893 and is located in the heart of downtown Mesa. Although it was partially destroyed by fire, the building was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1993. No longer a hotel, it still has historic value and is located just south of the light rail route, next to a large parking lot that is the site of a proposed six-story building with 90 percent lot coverage. The proposed building, nearly three times taller, would dwarf the Alhambra and possibly harm its historic value.
    Without a 3D GIS view, the magnitude of the disparity in the heights of these buildings would be lost. With this visualization, it was clear that caution would need to be exercised when redeveloping this site to ensure that the historic character of the Alhambra Hotel is preserved.
    . . .

    Tuesday, June 28, 2016

    Did You Get The Message? Only 13 Responses from Hundred of Paid Members

    Got the usual email blast @ 10:59 a.m. yesterday morning in an email inbox filter called Promotions with the subject line
    Mesa Chamber Monday Morning Message: Register for Women's Networking Group, Be at Eklectic Pie Tonite and more! ... so curious about that, huh?

    Helping Give You New Insight Into the Business Community
    We at the Chamber wanted to find new ways to help you learn more about how your community does business.
    The idea was to create a very simple and easy way for you to share your thoughts and ideas and in turn benefit from everyone else's responses as well.
    We came up with "Ask Me Another". Each month, we will ask one poll question.
    Thank you for the 13 responses to our May Question! Stay tuned to the Inside Business Newsletter to see the results.
    This Month's Question (question will change each month):
    Simple quick question about how often you contact your customer base:
    "How often do you send email newsletters to your customer base?"

    Share Your Success
    Has your Business recently won an award?
    Are you a leader recognized by your industry?
    Do you have a growth story you'd like to share?
    Tell us about it.
    The Chamber is always looking to help our members tell their stories. Email Us the Details
    In 2014 Congressman Matt Salmon called together Faith Based and community leaders,  to discuss the reality of the magnitude of the national deficit and it's futuristic impact on those receiving federal funds for life sustaining resources. The challenge, what would you do if federal funding was terminated in 2020, to meet the needs of your community.  More importantly, what would you do now to prepare for the crisis?
    Any community member is welcome to join this discussion
    Reader's Note: Matt Salmon has chosen not to run for re-election, instead taking a lobbying position with ASU ... is that MEETING THE NEEDS OF PEOPLE HERE IN MESA?
    Or does he have another agenda about some "crisis" of some kind?







    Monday, June 27, 2016

    BIG FAIL >> Million$ $pent on Education That Fail$ Arizona $tudent$

    More than 60 percent of Arizona students in most grade levels failed the state’s Common Core-based standardized test.
    About two-thirds of the state's students failed the reading and math portions of the test last year, the first time it was administered.

    This year, statewide reading and math scores in most grades increased by single digits. Test results in eighth-grade reading and math and 10th- and 11th-grade English language arts declined compared with last year.

    According to the article linked to below
    "These are new, difficult tests that require students to think, ???? not memorize and regurgitate," said Joe O'Reillyn[seen in the image to the the right from a Rotary Club meeting last year], executive director for student-achievement support at Mesa Public Schools.
    O’Reilly, executive director of Student Achievement Support from Mesa Public Schools and former president of the National Association of Test Directors, explained how AzMERIT performance levels were set.
    The Arizona Department of Education had teachers develop Performance Level Descriptors, detailed descriptions that describe the skills and abilities that students must demonstrate for each performance level. Descriptors include four levels ranging from Minimally Proficient to Highly Proficient.
    Teachers reviewed the Performance Level Descriptors, established the cut points and came to a consensus. The State Board of Education accepted the teachers’ recommendations with no changes,

  • Eighth-grade state math scores had the sharpest decline — 8 percentage points. This year, 26 percent of eighth-graders passed the math portion, down from 34 percent last year. 
  • Elementary students, particularly those in grades 3-5, maintained the highest passing rates in the state. Those were the only grade levels this year to have overall proficiency rates higher than 40 percent in reading and math.
  • Third-grade reading scores remained stagnant at a 41 percent passing rate. More of the state's third-graders — about 45 percent — scored in the lowest performance level of "minimally proficient" than in 2014-15.  

  • The state Board of Education discussed the statewide scores at a meeting today

    You might want to read this online report from The Arizona Republic
    Ricardo Cano, The Republic | 12:08 p.m. MST June 27, 2016


    Arizona Mexico > Trans-National Business, Commerce, Education & Tourism

    The Arizona-Mexico Commission (AMC) Summit is the AMC’s signature, premier cross-border annual event.
    Top level business leaders and policy makers from Arizona and Mexico will gather under the leadership of Arizona Governor Doug Ducey and Sonora Governor Claudia Pavlovich to promote a strong, cooperative binational relationship.
    The summit will consist of high-level speaker panels ranging in topics from cross-border business to industry innovation and dynamic cultural events. In addition, the AMC, in partnership with the Comision Sonora-Arizona, will host fourteen binational committee meetings with business and government leaders to develop initiatives promoting Arizona-Mexico trade and binational information sharing. As a result, the summit will have a lasting impact on our region, facilitating relationship-building and advocacy.
    Why Attend?
    The 2016 AMC Summit is an opportunity for business leaders and policy makers from Arizona and Mexico to come together to define, advance and implement strategies that promote cross-border collaboration, culture, business, investment and growth. Arizona is committed to its partnership with Mexico in driving innovation and promoting investment across strategic industries and sectors in this highly competitive corridor. Attendees are expected to actively participate in this binational dialogue
    Follow on Facebook >>

    The Eller College of Management at The University of Arizona offers highly ranked ... Sponsored by Arizona-Mexico Commission, Arizona Commerce Authority, ...

    Featured topics and opportunities for dialogue
    • Innovation Forum
    • 2025: Arizona-Mexico Business Opportunities
    • Visionary Leadership Forum: Governor Ducey & Governor Pavlovich
    • Global Competitiveness Forum
    • AMC Plenary Session
    • AMC Binational Committee Meetings


    General agenda

    Eric Jay Toll had this to say [excerpts] recently in this report from Phoenix Business Journal
    • In the first months of 2016, CEOs of seven of the nine companies making major moves into the Valley said they saw Arizona as a staging platform for trade into Mexico and then to the rest of the globe. Mexico has trade agreements with 46 countries, some of which do not have agreements with the U.S. Moving U.S. products through Mexico provides access to those 18 additional countries, according to ProMexico, the Mexican economic development authority.
    • Ducey, a Republican governor, faces a challenge with both candidates disparaging the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement and expected Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump proposing to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico.
    • The governor was at the event to meet with Mexican secretaries of foreign affairs, agriculture and the economy. He and Sonora, Mexico, Gov. Claudia Pavlovich will be signing memoranda of agreements between the two states.

    Speaking in Support of Purpose-Built Rental Housing for Families

    Problems of a different magnitude and context in Vancouver, but please take the brief time - about 4 minutes - to see this action
    Views: 67
    Thanks to Brandon Donnelly
    Architect This City for sending an email about this:
    I’ve been reading the blog 5 Kids 1 Condo for, I think, about a year now. It’s written by Adrian Crook who is a single dad of 5 kids, living in a 2 bedroom condo in downtown Vancouver. And his blog is about just that.
    A few days ago he posted a video of himself speaking at a public meeting in support of a new purpose-built rental building at 18th and Commercial Drive in Vancouver. The proposal includes 110 secured market rental units; 37% of which will be 2 or 3 bedroom apartments. (More information on the project, here.)
    It’s rare to see people come out in support of a project at a public meeting. Usually people only show up when they’re grouchy and upset. So today I’d like to share his speech (click here if you can’t see the video below).

    Published on Jun 24, 2016
    At last night's Vancouver City Council meeting, I spoke in favour of a development that would add 110 secured rental housing units at 18th and Commercial, 37% of which would be 2 and 3 bedroom units (the city only requires 25%).
    Vancouver needs more secured rental housing for families as freehold ownership of nearly any type of built form - home or condo - is now a pipe dream for most of us. Purpose-built rental housing (not private landlords) are one of the few remaining ways to achieve housing security.

    Read text of my speech and a full blog post, here:

    $15 Million Contract Award to "A Nation in The Middle East" ??

    from ASD News
    Harris Tactical Radios to Middle East Nation
    • Includes SINCGARS and SpearNet radios, training and support services
    • Supports ground forces of the military's aviation branch
    • Strengthens Harris' position as provider of international tactical communications solutions
    Harris Corporation (NYSE:HRS) has received a $15 million order to provide tactical radios, management systems, training and field support services to a nation in the Middle East as part of an ongoing modernization program. 
    The contract was awarded during the fourth quarter of Harris’ 2016 fiscal year.
    Harris will provide Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS) radios, which provide the secure voice communications backbone for ground forces in more than 30 countries, and SpearNet™ tactical radios, which enable high-throughput voice and data networking on and off the battlefield.
    “These radios will deliver advanced communications capabilities to the ground segment of the nation’s aviation force,” said Chris Young, president, Harris Communication Systems.  “This order recognizes the continued trust in our tactical radios’ exceptional capabilities."
    Source : Harris Corporation (NYSE: HRS)

    First Friday with the Phoenix Fridas!

    First Friday  July 1st     6 - 10 pmShop at our tables for jewelry, paintings, fiber art, paintings and other unique one of a kind pieces of art locally made!        
    All Frida inspired!
    The Heard Museum will honor the legendary Mexican artist Frida Kahlo with a celebration featuring the Phoenix Fridas            10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, July 9th.
    Cultural Coalition, Inc. ||

    To celebrate Ms. Kahlo's 109th birthday, which is July 6, there will be festivities including a fabulous cake, make and take crafts, art by the Phoenix Fridas, mariachi music by Mariachi Pasión, dance performances by Ollin Yoliztli Ballet Folklórico,  spoken word and free goodie bags to the first 25 Frida look-a-likes to attend with paid museum admission!       
    Get your tickets at: 
    Fiesta de Frida
    At the Heard Museum. 
    #PhxFridas At the Heard Museum :    
    2301 N Central Ave, Phoenix

    Special food and drinks will be available for purchase at the Museum's Courtyard Café and a gorgeous birthday cake will be served to party guests starting at 3:30 p.m.

    Heard Curator Janet Cantley said:   "Expect to see more of the Fridas here at the Heard in the future. The collaboration with the Phoenix Fridas has been valuable and we hope to continue with more related events and exhibits!"

    Free Admission.

    Mayor John Giles = Chair of the MAG Transportation Policy Committee

    MAG Welcomes New Officers, Launches 50th Anniversary Celebration

    CONTACT:Kelly Taft, (602) 452-5020
    PHOENIX (June 23, 2016) — Helping make businesses export ready is a key goal of the new chair of the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG).
    At its Annual Meeting yesterday, the MAG Regional Council elected Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton to lead the organization as chair over the coming year. Other officers selected during the MAG Annual Meeting held last night include Buckeye Mayor Jackie Meck as vice chair and Queen Creek Mayor Gail Barney as treasurer.
    No other organization is better suited to make a regional impact on exports than this one,” Mayor Stanton said of MAG during a Passing of the Gavel ceremony. “We don’t fit neatly into anyone else’s jurisdiction, so let’s make a positive change. Let’s become more relevant than ever before by taking our services directly to businesses, and let’s help build a more regional export-based economy,” he said.

    Specific proposals outlined by the mayor include:
    • Expand Phoenix’s successful ExporTech program by hosting a regional “exporting boot camp.” ExporTech is administered by the Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA) to help “export-curious” businesses become “export-ready.”
    • Host a regional export and trade summit. MAG would partner with Metro Phoenix Export Alliance, the Global Chamber of Commerce, ACA, Consulate offices, and stakeholders. The summit would help keep the region on track with regional goals to double global exports by 2025.
    • Team with the Pima Association of Governments to recognize “innovative and inspiring” export success stories through a new “Sun Corridor Global Excellence Award.”
    Stanton also will work to be more strategic in attracting foreign capital to our region. “We can define the target industries we most want to attract. We need to look at not only the most profitable industries, but also the industries that are the best fit for our region. Companies that share our values and have more than just a financial interest in seeing our region succeed,” he said.

    About MAG:
    MAG is a Council of Governments and Metropolitan Planning Organization that provides a regional forum for discussion, analysis, and resolution of regional issues, including transportation, air quality, economic development and human services. MAG prepares the 20-year Long Range Transportation Plan and five-year Transportation Improvement Program for the region.
    Founded in 1967, MAG will celebrate its 50th Anniversary on April 12, 2017.
    “It’s important to celebrate MAG’s 50-year legacy, but we must also adapt and innovate as an organization. I will continue to pursue MAG’s signature efforts to improve our air quality and make our region more climate resilient, to create the most forward-thinking regional transportation system in the nation, and to help support cutting-edge efforts to fight domestic violence in our communities,” he said.

    Officers are elected for one-year terms. Mayor Stanton will lead the organization for the next year and will preside over the MAG Executive Committee. The Executive Committee serves as MAG's finance committee and holds many administrative responsibilities, such as amendments to the budget and contract selections.
    Mayor Stanton has served on the MAG Regional Council and on the MAG Executive Committee since 2012, serving first as treasurer and then as vice chair. He also currently serves on the Transportation Policy Committee and the Economic Development Committee.
    In addition to the officers noted above, those nominated to serve as at-large members for the MAG Executive Committee are El Mirage Mayor Lana Mook, Glendale Mayor Jerry Weiers, and Tempe Mayor Mark Mitchell. Scottsdale Mayor W.J. “Jim” Lane remains on the committee as past chair.

    Also during the Annual Meeting, Mesa Mayor John Giles was elected to serve as chair of the MAG Transportation Policy Committee, and Avondale Mayor Kenneth Weise as vice chair.

    84th Annual Meeting: Sunday Afternoon Plenary Human Rights For All

    Streamed Live 16 hours ago

    U.S. Conference of Mayors > 84th Annual Meeting: Sunday Morning Plenary Session

    Streamed live 21 hours ago
    Views: 11,591
    Run Time 1:48:53
    Wells Fargo grant program awards 2016 Community Wins

    The and share kindness and compassion with the nation's cities.

    Another upload >>
    Published on Jun 26, 2016
    Lady Gaga sat down with His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet to talk about the power of kindness and how to make the world a more compassionate place. Follow Gaga on Facebook for more:
    Run time: 19:29
    Views: 5,962

    HYBRID-TRANSFORMER-MAMBA: Tencent’s New AI "T1" Just Proved China Is the New AI Superpower #AI #Tencent #OpenAI

      Mar 23, 2025     Tencent’s new AI model, T1, is challenging OpenAI’s O1 and DeepSeek’s R1 with faster responses, improved reasoning, and i...