25 June 2016

Councilmember Glover- Mesa Center for Higher Education

Readers of this blog are encouraged to take the time - only about five minutes - to look back what was promoted three years ago and to compare if the promises made delivered the results for "infinite opportunities".
Remarks and comments from the Grand Opening on August 15, 2013 for the City of Mesa's Higher Education Initiative to attract out-of-state private universities here downtown. The 52,000 sq ft building located on the SEC of Morris Street & 2nd Street [in the 2nd Street Historic Neighborhood] was re-purposed when a new and bigger facility for the Mesa Police Department was built on MacDonald/1st Street.
At the time, there were plans to also include two other institutions to provide expanded opportunities for the 500,000 population for higher education but those failed to attract enough numbers of students for their program studies.
Published on Mar 18, 2014
Remarks from the grand opening of the Mesa Center for Higher Education.

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