09 June 2016

ASU Board of Regents: Crash Course + Cheat Sheet

The Arizona Board of Regents is the governing board for the state’s public universities: Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, and the University of Arizona. The Board provides policy guidance in such areas as: academic and student affairs; financial and human resource programs; student tuition, fees, and financial aid programs; university capital development plans; strategic plans; legal affairs; and public and constituent outreach.
The Board consists of twelve members, eleven voting and one non-voting. This includes the Governor and Superintendent of Public Instruction as ex-officio members, each serving while they hold office, and two Student Regents. Also at the table, and an essential partner with the Board of Regents is the chair of the Arizona Faculties Council – the coordinating body for the faculty governments of the three universities.
Except for ex-officio members and Student Regents, and as noted, the term of a Regent is eight years. As Regents finish their terms, new Regents are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate.

Board Members

Jay Heiler
Greg Patterson
Vice Chair
Ram Krishna
Rick Myers
Ron Shoopman
Larry Penley
Mark Naufel
Student Regent
Jared Gorshe
Student Regent
Doug Ducey
Diane Douglas


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