04 March 2017

Agenda for Economic Development Advisory Board Meeting

First some pre-notes and comments from your MesaZona blogger who frequently attends and pays attention at these early morning sessions:
1. Once again there is glaring proof that city governance has failed big time in community engagement:  the public: rarely, if ever, show up to express an interest or point-of-view on any item appearing on the agenda.
When I filled out a blue card and spoke to the board a couple of months ago, one member remarked it was the first time in over 10 years that any public input was heard.
2. The published meeting agendas are sketchy - with scant details or links to anything prepared ahead of time either for presentations or discussion details. Is this simply an oversight or lack of effort?
For example: not even a brief outline of what David Luna has in mind for 'discussion'
3. Even though both Mesa City Manager Chris Brady and Mesa Mayor John Giles are ex-officio members by virtue of holding office earning a salary to perform their duties  for their public obligations to citizens, neither one has bothered to show up for at least 6 months.
The last time the mayor attended he promised to be 'a good member' ...for what that's worth
4. By the time meeting minutes do get published, they are more than 2 months old.
That's way too long and hardly timely, transparent, open or accountable.

Meeting Notice & Agenda
Economic Development Advisory Board
City Council Chambers 57 E. 1st Street, Lower Level
Tues 07 March 7 2017 @ 07:30 AM    

1. Chair’s Call to Order
2. Items from Citizens Present
3. Approval of Minutes from February 7, 2016 meeting [11 pages from 05 Jan 2017]
4. Discussion with Vice Mayor Luna 
5. Visit Mesa Update 
6. Falcon Strategic Plan Update
7. Director’s Update
8. Other Business
 Next EDAB Meeting- April 4th  
9. Adjournment

Link to access of approved meeting minutes from 3 months go back in January 2017 >>

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