01 April 2017

AFDJ* : Above-Market-Rate Condo Conversion On Main Street/Center

After a backflash by voters in Mesa against the high-cost of city government, both Jeff McVay, the Director of Downtown Transformation, and Bill Jabjiniak, head honcho of the Office for Economic Development, recommended putting City Hall Plaza out for bids to real estate developers to bring in much needed revenues in the faltering FY2017/2018 City Budget.
As Mesa Mayor John Giles likes to say: It's all about location.
Experts in real estate principles have likewise for a long time insisted that markets are guided by the principle of 'highest-and-best use', agreeing that city government office-space can get re-located quickly into other un-used city-owned properties close by and that  this piece of prime city-owned is the most attractive and well-positioned to attract and accelerate private investments in the New Urban Downtown Mesa.
This prime location at the intersection of Main Street and Center Street is in the heart of Mesa's Arts-and-Entertainment district anchored by the International Design award-winning Mesa Arts Center directly across Main Street with a Valley Metro Light Rail platform station just steps away.

* April Fool's Day Joke

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