08 April 2017

Changing The Face of Journalism | Akshobh Giridharadas | TEDxNTU

Content-on-Demand . . .
Has it been democratized?    Who is the change-agent?  Think about Woodward and Bernstein
Investigative journalism is now an out-pier, leaving us few options on the sidelines watching

Published on Apr 7, 2017
Views: 5,025
Journalism has become anachronistic in nature. In an era defined by a fast-changing economy and disruptive new technological innovation, the journalism industry has been caught off guard in some of its archaic business models. Various news outlets are finding that content has become a cheap commodity as they struggle to monetize their work. The same technology that has proliferated news and journalism has ironically disrupted the industry. The watchdog or the fourth estate of democracy that's meant to keep a watch on the other three estates, now finds its very foundations threatened.

Akshobh is a 29-year-old business news reporter and producer with Channel News Asia Singapore. He writes articles on diverse topics like geopolitics, business, and sports. His previous endeavors include working at ESPN STAR and FOX networks.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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