05 January 2018

Straight & Real From Mike Allen @ Axios

OK - We are apprentices NO MORE with the tacky Trump Tabloid Freak Circus currently showing in big tent inside The White House.
Reality strikes back with a vengeance:
IT'S A BOOK grabbing all the headlines from headline-crazy "The Donald" who always made Page Six news off-the-front page space in the tabloids in New York City. We weren't amused then
Now everybody can enjoy the show!
Be smart: More than half a dozen of the more skilled White House staff are contemplating imminent departures. Many leaving are quite fearful about the next chapter of the Trump presidency.
Read entire post on > www.axion.com
"There are definitely parts of Michael Wolff's "Fire and Fury" that are wrong, sloppy, or betray off-the-record confidence. But there are two things he gets absolutely right, even in the eyes of White House officials who think some of the book's scenes are fiction: his spot-on portrait of Trump as an emotionally erratic president, and the low opinion of him among some of those serving him > that's one big thing: What Wolff got most right. . .
Why it matters: Wolff captures the contempt some Trump aides have for the president and his family. Axios' Jonathan Swan notes that this includes people you see trumpeting their loyalty to him.
In the past year, we have had many of the same conversations with the same sources Wolff used. We won't betray them, or put on the record what was off. But, we can say that the following lines from the book ring unambiguously true:
How Trump processes (and resists) information
Instinct over expertise
Low regard by key aides
Be smart: More than half a dozen of the more skilled White House staff are contemplating imminent departures.
Many leaving are quite fearful about the next chapter of the Trump presidency.


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