27 December 2019

Brave New World > Meet Sophia The Sentient Humanoid Robot

Let's dive into another dimension today - into the crossover realm of natural and artificial intelligence and machine learning. It's here. So let's go there!
It involves some 'stage magic' using the visuals of a frequently used for centuries device called ex machina when an unexpected something suddenly appears from nowhere to arrive in front of our eyes that changes the entire human drama.
First some words of introduction:
Is it ieven possible to make a non-human person out of machines?
We may as well think that if we make sci-fi life-like enough, we should start worrying about Darth Vader really taking over the galaxy.

Fast Company followed up this salvo with another one: "Imagine a world where humans co-existed with beings who, like us, had minds, thoughts, feelings, self-conscious awareness, and the capacity to perform purposeful actions—but, unlike us, these beings had artificial mechanical bodies that could be switched on and off. "
HUGH MCLACHLAN, “What rights will robots deserve?” at Fast Company
If we were able to make intelligent and sentient AIs, wouldn’t that mean we would have to stop programming them? It would be unethical for me to force you to do my will, so wouldn’t the same thing be true with AIs? If AIs were really sentient beings, what would be the practical difference between programming an AI and brainwashing a human?
-- extract from   MIND MATTERS AI Hype Countdown

Counting back: 2019 AI Hype Countdown
#8: Media started doing their job!
Yes, this year, there has been a reassuring trend:
Media are offering more critical assessment of off-the-wall AI hype.
One factor in the growing sobriety may be that, as AI technology transitions from dreams to reality, the future belongs to leaders who are pragmatic about its abilities and limitations._________________________________________________________________________

Sophia the Robot remarks at #TAS2019 Opening Ceremony | Kigali,15th May 2019




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