12 December 2019

December 2019 Apartment List National Rent Report

Mesa, AZ tops the list for the nation’s fastest rent growth, with an increase of 5.0 percent over the last year, more than three times the national rate.
Phoenix ranks third on the list at 3.9%.
Five of the cities in the top 10 for fastest year-over-year growth —
1 Mesa, AZ
2 Henderson, NV
3 Phoenix, AZ
4 Colorado Springs, CO and
5 Tampa, FL
also make the list for fastest rent growth over the past five years.

Apartment List National Rent Report

Methodology Note:
Apartment List is committed to making our rent estimates the best and most accurate available. To do this, we start with fully representative median rent statistics for recent movers taken from the Census Bureau American Community Survey. We then extrapolate this data forward to the current month using a growth rate calculated from our listing data. Growth rates are calculated using a same-unit analysis similar to Case-Shiller’s approach, comparing only units that are available across both time periods in order to provide an accurate picture of rent growth in cities across the country.
Our approach corrects for the sample bias inherent in private sources, producing results that are representative of the entire market. Our methodology also allows us to construct a picture of rent growth over an extended period of time, with estimates that are updated each month.
Read more about our methodology here.
For further methodology questions or custom data requests, contact us at rentonomics@apartmentlist.com.

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