17 minutes ago Ina Fried writing for Axios had this to say:
The complicated future of augmented and virtual reality
THE BIG PICTURE: "The road that VR and AR are on is well-paved in tech.
Initial buzz leads to overheated enthusiasm, then a "trough of disillusionment."
After that, there's a steady march in which the technology ends up meeting or surpassing expectations even while taking far longer than anyone anticipated. . ."IMPACT on proposed $164M ASU Creative Futures Lab ???
. . . The problem for AR and VR is that several key ingredients — battery life, screen resolution and comfort — aren't where they need to be for either technology to go mainstream, especially for consumers.
What's next: At last week's Snapdragon Summit, Ina Fried had a chance to try out technology from startup Spatial, which aims to create virtual collaboration for business users across different kinds of devices and platforms. (See video here.)
The complicated future of augmented and virtual reality
THE BIG PICTURE: "The road that VR and AR are on is well-paved in tech.
Initial buzz leads to overheated enthusiasm, then a "trough of disillusionment."
After that, there's a steady march in which the technology ends up meeting or surpassing expectations even while taking far longer than anyone anticipated. . ."IMPACT on proposed $164M ASU Creative Futures Lab ???
. . . The problem for AR and VR is that several key ingredients — battery life, screen resolution and comfort — aren't where they need to be for either technology to go mainstream, especially for consumers.
What's next: At last week's Snapdragon Summit, Ina Fried had a chance to try out technology from startup Spatial, which aims to create virtual collaboration for business users across different kinds of devices and platforms. (See video here.)
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