17 December 2019

From May 2016: What Has Mesa Learned From Incompetent School Administrators??

In the scattering of the still-smoldering ashes from the abrupt leave-of-absence and forced resignation of MPS Superintendent Ember Conley that follows the resignation of previous Mesa public schools Super Michael Cowan over more "financial irregularities" where his public reputation got redeemed receiving 'a calling' to go on an LDS mission to an undetermined location, there's above all the entrenched generations-old PATRONAGE SYSTEM that connects both education and politics.
Former AZ Politician/Educator Mesa resident Richard Crandall Gets The Boot in Colorado
Dear readers, this will take some time to get through, so let's start with the most recent and most clear reporting first, followed by another one three days earlier and one going back to March 2011.
From the get-go - five years ago - any reasonable person might get curious about the overlapping roles of so-called "educators" [with no degree in teaching] becoming politicians who get entangled in questionable real estate deals or other irregularities,  then go back into education thanks to an illegal appointment and tendering his immediately-effective resignation admitting  "personal and professional limitations" . . . this went down two days ago!  With a big family to support he'll need to find another job sometime soon.
This all might have dropped out of the news or gone under-the-radar screen locally, except for what happened to Mesa resident Richard Crandall in conservative Colorado where he was Commissioner of Education for just four months, after nine months in the same position in the state of Wyoming.
BLOGGER NOTE: Two other states - Colorado and Wyoming - were quick to realize Rich Crandall's shortcomings. He could not dependent on the closely-held connections in the entrenched Patronage System established here in Arizona.
Here's a report from The Colorado Independent
Why Colorado’s education commissioner quit

Zillow forecast for the regional home price shift between March 2024 and March 2025 | Fast Compamy

The latest forecast published by Zillow predicts that U.S. home prices will rise 1.4% between March 2024 and March 2025.       This map show...