14 January 2020

The 6th Book from Journalist Malcolm Gladwell "Talking To Strangers: What We should Know About The People We Don't Know"

Your MesaZona blogger woke up the other day listening listening to a hard-hitting interview produced by BBC World Service - https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3csy98y .
Malcolm Gladwell is English with four identities and has an apartment in Manhattan. As it turns out he shares a fascination with yours truly for spy stories and mysteries.
[and a few other things]
With that being said, Hard Talk interviewer Stephen Sackur does just that a number of times to challenge some of Gladwell's assumptions in a lively intense give-and-take where the author responds to the challenges in an even-tempered voice throwing back some of the contradictions and criticisms aggressively enunciated by Sackur.
What a way to wake up! Not the usual run-down of of news stories by a long shot -
Too often we are dead wrong.

Image result for malcolm gladwell new book
One reviewer said reading it will actually change not just how you see strangers, but how you look at yourself, the news - the world._________________________________________________________________________ 
What We Should Know about the People We Don't Know
Amazon Review:
"Malcolm Gladwell is a gifted writer who engages our minds and emotions in his works of non-fiction. In "Talking to Strangers,” he tells us true stories that, at first, seem to be unrelated.
The author suggests that many of us have an inflated opinion of our ability to size up people. Research suggests that we are not as objective as we would like to believe, and are therefore prone to misinterpret comments, intonations, facial expressions, and gestures. Moreover, we do not always realize that people whose backgrounds differ from ours may communicate in unfamiliar ways.
. . . These compelling examples raise intriguing questions about why we sometimes reach erroneous conclusions when we assess the truthfulness of our fellow human beings

Stephen Sackur speaks to Malcolm Gladwell, the Canadian author who has been described as America’s most famous intellectual.
His latest book, Talking to Strangers, challenges the assumptions we make about trust and truth.
But how far can we trust Malcolm Gladwell?

LINK > https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/hardtalk/malcolm-gladwell-should-we-VZFRIHigj0E/ 

BLOGGER NOTE: I wouldn't go so far to say Gladwell was savaged by Stephen Sackur, but he came very close.
Nonetheless a review by Amy Chozick in New York Times 30 Aug 2019  did:
With ‘Talking to Strangers,’ Malcolm Gladwell Goes Dark
". . .  I doubted the premise of “Talking to Strangers” and dismissed it as armchair psychology.
And then my audio recorder broke midinterview, and I became a believer.
This wasn’t just coincidence. It’s exactly what Mr. Gladwell’s towering success — his five best-selling books, his six-figure speaking fees, his top-rated podcast — rests on: the moment when the skeptic starts to think that maybe we’re wrong about everything and maybe, just maybe, this Mr. Gladwell guy is onto something. . ."

Malcolm Gladwell: Should We Trust Strangers? HARDtalk ...
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By BBC and BBC World Service. Discovered by Player FM and our community — copyright is owned by the publisher, not Player FM, and audio is streamed directly from their servers. Hit the Subscribe button to track updates in Player FM, or paste the feed URL into other podcast apps.

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