Sunday, May 23, 2021

HYPER-LOCAL CONSUMER ALERT > Complete Recall For “Re2al Water Drinking Water” From One of The Three Company Facilities Here in Mesa

Information for the public: Local news outlets revealed that Jones was merely repackaging Las Vegas tap water, which would be bad enough anywhere else, but in a water-starved desert? Incredible. . .
Documents say the commercial product is drawn from the Las Vegas-area municipal water supply, filtered and processed with potassium hydroxide, commonly called lye, the chemical potassium bicarbonate and a mineral salt, magnesium chloride.
 Federal officials order recall of Las Vegas-based 'Real Water' | KSNV

Real Water, a premium bottled water, recalled amid death and liver illnesses

Federal authorities have ordered a complete recall of the Las Vegas-based bottled water brand Real Water and ordered the company to surrender records in investigations of at least one death and multiple cases of liver illness among people who reported drinking it.

The product is sold as premium alkalized drinking water in distinctive boxy blue bottles touting “E2 Electron Energized Technology.” Labels say it is “infused with negative ions” and offers healthy detoxifying properties.

Scientology's Brent Jones & 'Real Water' horror: kids needed liver  transplants, attorney says | The Underground Bunker

Brent Jones, the company’s president, and attorneys for the company and the bottler,, did not immediately respond Friday to email messages about a US district court order issued Wednesday.                Recall: Real Water recalled after FDA warning of liver disease link

The federal complaint refers to the product brand as “Re2al Water Drinking Water”. It alleges the “manufacture and distribution of adulterated and/or misbranded bottled drinking water and chemical concentrate” that “may have been rendered injurious to health”.

US orders recall of Real Water bottled water after death and illness reports

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