Tuesday, October 26, 2021

AN ANNOUNCEMENT TODAY: Rumbles Acquires Subscription-Based Platform Locals

This is all about your MesaZona blogger knows at the present time
RumbleDave Rubin of The Rubin Report has a major announcement for anyone looking for Big Tech alternatives. Innovative Big Tech competition has arrived with Rumble’s announcement that it is acquiring Locals Technology, Inc. Buying Locals will help Rumble’s mission of giving creators even more autonomy over their work and connections with their audience. The era of the Big Tech monopoly may be ending as true alternatives like Locals and Rumble empower their creators to generate revenue without being limited by corporate advertisers and special interests. Most importantly, Locals users own their community data and content. The era of creators being dependent on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter is ending! Watch to hear what’s coming next!

Subscribe to Dave on Locals here: https://rubinreport.locals.com
Or create your account on Locals here: https://locals.com

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Tintin is entering public domain (Tintin and H.P. Lovecraft mashup by Muzski)

  It is my hope that as people realize Tintin is entering public domain more new books of high quality will get written by people. It's ...