Saturday, October 30, 2021

WEEKLY NEWSLETTER: Arizona''s Fighting 5th District Congressman Andy Biggs Idea

Another week "in the Swamp" and the usual interview on FOX News of course + who he's attacking this week. . .No mention of the Contempt of Congress action approved, but Biggs is on-the-air with Steve Brannon 

Interview with War Room

Election integrity is a front-runner issue with Americans as 2022 looms in the forecast. After Arizona’s audit, we are still left without explanation concerning the participation of thousands of voters who registered after the voting deadline. Not to mention, the voting anomalies that tallied more than five times the gap in votes between presidential candidates. It’s imperative that we take steps to ensure election integrity and restore Americans’ trust in our voting systems. Check out my interview below to hear more:





The Week in Review

Happy Friday!

This week, I spent my time back in Washington, D.C. I’m fired up to continue fighting on your behalf and to keep you informed about what’s going on in the Swamp. Read below to learn about the important happenings of the week:

Save the Date: Salute to Veterans

On Monday, November 8, 2021, I will host Salute to Veterans, a night of entertainment and respectful ceremony in honor of those who fought to defend our country. It is open to all members of our Armed Forces, past and present, their families, and community members who would like to express appreciation for the sacrifices made. The event will also include information booths where staff members can assist constituents who are having difficulties with federal agencies. I hope you will join us! Click below for further details and to RSVP:



Opposing DHS’s New Guidelines 

On Tuesday, I sent a letter, along with Oversight and Reform Committee Ranking Member James Comer (KY-01), to Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas demanding answers on DHS’s recently released “Guidelines for the Enforcement of Civil Immigration Law” that will prevent ICE agents from enforcing our immigration laws.  Since his first day in office, President Biden, in both word and action, has put illegal aliens first and Americans last through his radical open borders agenda. Now, DHS is directing ICE not to enforce our immigration laws. Enough is enough. Secretary Mayorkas should be impeached immediately for implementing crisis-creating policies and refusing to enforce the law. Read the full letter by clicking below.  



Fighting Democrats’ Socialist Spending Sprees

On Thursday, I led the House Freedom Caucus in a press conference fighting back against Democrats' Socialist Spending Spree. Democrats’ big government, tax and spend package will radically transform the United States. We must stand united against this legislative farce. Americans are already feeling the pain of President Biden’s crisis-creating, economy-crushing agenda. President Biden and the Swamp will stop at nothing to ensure that every American is heavily taxed, every illegal alien is given amnesty, and that every federal agency is weaponized to restrict our freedoms and liberties. We must act, now. Check out my press conference below:



Holding AG Merrick Garland Accountable

On Monday, I sent a letter along with my Judiciary Committee colleagues to Attorney General Garland demanding that he immediately withdraw his memorandum targeting concerned parents at school board meetings. Last week, AG Garland testified in front of the House Judiciary Committee and acknowledged that his memorandum was based on a letter sent to the White House by the National School Board Association (NSBA), which the NSBA has now apologized for sending. It was obvious during that hearing that AG Garland felt indifferent to the real issues going on in America, and instead, was using his power to attack parents exercising their First Amendment rights, all while labeling their actions “domestic terrorism”.  AG Garland must rescind his memorandum.  I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: concerned parents are NOT domestic terrorists. Check out the full letter below: 



Biden's Policies Are Destroying American Security

Mea Culpa! My bad. For months I’ve been saying that President Biden and Vice President Harris are not serious people. At the same time, I’ve been reminding everyone that they are systematically destroying the country. My insistence that America’s chief executive officers lacked weight might have lulled people into thinking that they couldn’t destroy, or even harm, this great nation. Biden and Harris are not serious leaders. Their meandering policies, however, are deadly serious. They have sabotaged America’s international policy with the Biden regime’s inglorious surrender to all of the malevolent strongmen in the world. Read more about my thoughts on Biden’s policies by clicking below:



Interview with Fox News

This week, I joined Jon Scott on Fox News to discuss Biden’s border crisis. The Biden administration is willfully incentivizing illegal crossings at our border. If you don’t believe me, just check out the numbers. In FY 2020, U.S. Customs and Border Protection encountered 458,000 illegal aliens. In FY 2021, it encountered 1,734,686 illegal aliens. And that doesn’t include the illegal aliens who we know got away from our Border Patrol agents. Watch me discuss Biden’s border policies by clicking below:



Fighting for Your Second Amendment Rights

On Wednesday, I participated in a Judiciary Markup of H.R. 2377, the “Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act of 2021”, which would deprive law-abiding Americans of their due process rights while taking away their Second Amendment rights. During the markup, I highlighted a very important fact (that Democrats still have a hard time grasping): The solution to reducing gun violence is NOT disarming law-abiding Americans. Restricting Americans’ Second Amendment rights will only benefit criminals, illegal aliens, and fugitives. Click below to hear the rest of my remarks: 



Interview with War Room

Election integrity is a front-runner issue with Americans as 2022 looms in the forecast. After Arizona’s audit, we are still left without explanation concerning the participation of thousands of voters who registered after the voting deadline. Not to mention, the voting anomalies that tallied more than five times the gap in votes between presidential candidates. It’s imperative that we take steps to ensure election integrity and restore Americans’ trust in our voting systems. Check out my interview below to hear more:



Oversight Committee Hearing

Check out my remarks from Oversight Committee's hearing on:

Fueling the Climate Crisis:
Exposing Big Oil’s Disinformation Campaign to Prevent Climate Action





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Letters Co-signed

Rep. Keller Letter to Secretary Granholm requesting a briefing on rising energy prices

Judiciary Committee letter to National School Boards Association

Judiciary Committee letter to Chairman Nadler

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