Monday, October 25, 2021


YOU won't see this study session (for some unexplained reason they are no longer recorded or re-broadcast)
STUDY SESSION AGENDA Printed 10.21.2021
Planning & Zoning Study Session 
The Planning and Zoning Board meetings operate on a hybrid system. 
Public participation is available using either blue comment cards found in the City Council chambers or by submitting an online comment card and participating through Zoom. 
We believe that providing access for citizens to communicate with the board is vital for a strong representative local government. 
All Planning and Zoning Board meetings are open to the public to attend in-person (beginning August 25, 2021). 
Study Sessions 
The live meeting may be watched via a video conferencing platform at or listened to by calling 888-788-0099 or 877- 853-5247 (toll free) using meeting ID 530 123 2921 and following the prompts. 

Members of the public can address the Planning and Zoning Board in the following ways: 
• Attend a meeting in person. Participants may complete a blue comment upon arrival at the meeting, or download a copy of comment card [PDF] and hand in at the meeting. 
• Submit an online comment card at least 1 hour prior to the start of the meeting.
If you want to speak at the meeting, you will need to indicate on the comment card that you would like to speak during the meeting, and you will need to call 888- 788-0099 or 877-853-5247 (toll free) using meeting ID 5301232921 and following the prompts, prior to the start of the meeting. 
You will be able to listen to the meeting; and when the item you have indicated that you want to speak on is before the board, your line will be taken off mute and you will be given an opportunity to speak. 
For any difficulty accessing this meeting, please call 480-644-2099. 
Planning and Zoning Board - Study Session City of Mesa Meeting Agenda - Final 
Mesa Council Chambers 57 East First Street 
Chair Jessica Sarkissian 
Vice Chair Deanna Villanueva-Saucedo 
Boardmembers: Tim Boyle. Shelly Allen. Jeffrey Crockett, Benjamin Ayers, Troy Peterson
Wednesday, October 27, 2021 3:00 PM Lower Council Chambers 
1 Call meeting to order. 
2 Review items on the agenda for the October 27, 2021 regular Planning and Zoning Board Hearing. 
3 Conduct a public hearing on the following General Plan Amendment: 
PZ 21132 ZON21-00878 District 5. 
Within the 2800 to 3100 blocks of North Recker Road (west side) and within the 5900 block of East Longbow Parkway (south side). 
Located north of McDowell Road on the west side of Recker Road. (20± acres). 
Minor General Plan Amendment from Employment to Mixed-Use Activity District. 
This request will allow for a mixed use development. 
Reese Anderson, Pew & Lake, PLC, applicant; 
Dover Associates, LLC, owner. 
Planner: Cassidy Welch Staff Recommendation: Continue to December 15, 2021 3-a 
4 Planning Director's Updates
 • Decisions of the City Council’s October 18, 2021 land use hearings. 

5 Adjournment. City of Mesa 
Page 1 Printed on 10/21/2021 Planning and Zoning Board - Study
October 27, 2021 
Session Meeting Agenda - Final 
The City of Mesa is committed to making its public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. 
For special accommodations, please contact the City Manager's Office at (480) 644-3333 or AzRelay 7-1-1 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. 
Si necesita asistencia o traducción en español, favor de llamar al menos 48 horas antes de la reunión al (480) 644-2767.
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City of Mesa Meeting Agenda - Final 
Council Chambers 57 E. First Street  Wednesday, October 27, 2021 
4:00 PM Council Chambers 
Consent Agenda - All items listed with an asterisk (*) will be considered as a group by the Board and will be enacted with one motion. 
There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Boardmember or citizen requests, in which the item will be removed from the consent agenda, 
prior to the vote, and considered as a separate item. Items on this agenda that must be adopted by ordinance and/or resolution will be on a future City Council agenda. 
Anyone interested in attending the City Council public hearing should call the Planning Division at (480) 644-2385 or review the City Council agendas on the City's website at to find the agenda on which the item(s) will be placed.

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