Monday, October 25, 2021


There are 10 Records listed in the Meeting Details - all the links are attachments are provided

File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
PZ 21125 2-aPZ MinutesMinutes from the October 13, 2021 study session and regular meeting.  Not available
PZ 21126 3-aPZ Zoning - Discuss and RecommendZON21-00129 District 1. Within the 2200 to 2400 blocks of East McDowell Road (south side). Located east of Gilbert Road on the south side of McDowell Road. (9.0± acres). Rezone from Single Residence 43 (RS-43) and Single Residence 43 with Historic Landmark Overlay (RS-43-HL) to Multiple Residence 5 with a Planned Area Development Overlay (RM-5-PAD) and Site Plan Review; and Special Use Permit. This request will allow for a multiple residence development with associated commercial use. Ryan Nelson, Sweetwater Companies, applicant; Gunning Mark S/Ron Bailly Trust, owner. Planner: Cassidy Welch Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions  Not available
PZ 21127 3-bPZ Zoning - Discuss and RecommendZON21-00566 District 5. Within the 6400 block of East McDowell Road (north side) and within the 2800 block of North Ramada (west side). Located west of Power Road on the north side of McDowell Road. (4.1± acres). Rezone from Office Commercial (OC) to Single Residence 9 with a Planned Area Development Overlay (RS-9-PAD). This request will allow for the development of a single residence subdivision. Grant Taylor, applicant; DeMichele Family, LLC, owner. (Companion case to Preliminary Plat, “Villas at McDowell”, associated with item *4-a). Planner: Sean Pesek Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions  Not available
PZ 21128 3-cPZ Zoning - Discuss and RecommendZON21-00730 District 6. Within the 10300 to 10600 blocks of East Pecos Road (north side) and within the 6400 to 6800 blocks of South 222nd Street (west side). Located west of Signal Butte Road on the north side of Pecos Road. (71.3± acres). Rezone from Agriculture (AG) to Light Industrial (LI); Site Plan Review and Special Use Permits. This request will allow for industrial development. Josh Tracy, Ryan Companies, applicant; Tucker Properties, LTD., owner. Planner: Josh Grandlienard Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions  Not available
PZ 21129 3-dPZ Zoning - Discuss and RecommendZON21-00892 District 6. Within the 4400 to 4700 blocks of South Power Road (east side) and within the 6800 to 7000 blocks of East Warner Road (south side). Located at the southeast corner of Power Road and Warner Road. (40± acres). Modification of the Planned Area Development Overlay (PAD) and Site Plan Modification. This request will allow for commercial development. Sean Lake, Pew & Lake, PLC, applicant; Power 40, LLC, owner. (Companion case to Preliminary Plat, “Cannon Beach”, associated with item *4-b). Planner: Sean Pesek Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions  Not available
PZ 21132 3-ePZ General Plan ZON21-00878 District 5. Within the 2800 to 3100 blocks of North Recker Road (west side) and within the 5900 block of East Longbow Parkway (south side). Located north of McDowell Road on the west side of Recker Road. (20± acres). Minor General Plan Amendment from Employment to Mixed-Use Activity District. This request will allow for a mixed use development. Reese Anderson, Pew & Lake, PLC, applicant; Dover Associates, LLC, owner. Planner: Cassidy Welch Staff Recommendation: Continue to December 15, 2021  Not available
PZ 21133 3-fPZ Zoning - Discuss and RecommendZON21-00731 District 5. Within the 2800 to 3100 blocks of North Recker Road (west side) and within the 5900 block of East Longbow Parkway (south side). Located north of McDowell Road on the west side of Recker Road. (20± acres). Modification of the Planned Area Development Overlay (PAD); Rezone from Light Industrial (LI) to Limited Commercial (LC), Council Use Permit (CUP) and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for a mixed use development. Reese Anderson, Pew & Lake, PLC, applicant; Dover Associates, LLC, owner. Planner: Cassidy Welch Staff Recommendation: Continue to December 15, 2021  Not available
PZ 21130 4-aPZ Preliminary Plat“Villas at McDowell” District 5. Within the 6400 block of East McDowell Road (north side) and within the 2800 block of North Ramada (west side). Located west of Power Road on the north side of McDowell Road. (4.1± acres). Preliminary Plat. Grant Taylor, applicant; DeMichele Family, LLC, owner. (Companion case to ZON21-00566, associated with item *3-b). Planner: Sean Pesek Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions  Not available
PZ 21131 4-bPZ Preliminary Plat“Cannon Beach” District 6. Within the 4400 to 4700 blocks of South Power Road (east side) and within the 6800 to 7000 blocks of East Warner Road (south side). Located at the southeast corner of Power Road and Warner Road. (40± acres). Preliminary Plat. Sean Lake, Pew & Lake, PLC, applicant; Power 40, LLC, owner. (Companion case to ZON21-00892, associated with item *3-d) Planner: Sean Pesek Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions  Not available
PZ 21134 5-aPZ Zoning - Discuss and RecommendZON21-00278 District 5. Within the 1300 to 1500 blocks of North Power Road (east side), within the 6800 block of East Hobart Street (south side), and within the 6800 block of East Halifax Drive (both sides). Located north of Brown Road on the east side of Power Road. (6.13± acres). Rezone from Office Commercial (OC) and Single Residence 35 (RS-35) to Neighborhood Commercial with a Planned Area Development overlay (NC-PAD); and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for the development of a Food Truck Park. Sean Lake, Pew and Lake, PLC, applicant; Power Road Park, LLC, owner. (Continued from October 13, 2021) Planner: Lesley Davis Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions  Not available
10 Records starting with Item 2-a
File #: PZ 21125   
Type: PZ Minutes Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
On agenda: 10/27/2021
Title: Minutes from the October 13, 2021 study session and regular meeting.
Attachments: 1. October 13, 2021 P&Z Study Session Minutes, 2. October 13, 2021 P&Z Meeting Minutes
Item 3-a
File #: PZ 21126   
Type: PZ Zoning - Discuss and Recommend Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
On agenda: 10/27/2021
Title: ZON21-00129 District 1. Within the 2200 to 2400 blocks of East McDowell Road (south side). Located east of Gilbert Road on the south side of McDowell Road. (9.0± acres).  Rezone from Single Residence 43 (RS-43) and Single Residence 43 with Historic Landmark Overlay (RS-43-HL) to Multiple Residence 5 with a Planned Area Development Overlay (RM-5-PAD) and Site Plan Review; and Special Use Permit. This request will allow for a multiple residence development with associated commercial use. Ryan Nelson, Sweetwater Companies, applicant; Gunning Mark S/Ron Bailly Trust, owner. Planner: Cassidy Welch Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map, 2. Staff Report, 3. Site Plan, 4. Landscape Plan, 5. Elevations, 6. Narrative, 7. Good Neighbor Policy, 8. Parking Analysis, 9. Citizen Participation Plan, 10. Citizen Participation Report, 11. Letters of Support, 12. Letters of Concern, 13. Presentations
Item 3-b
File #: PZ 21127   
Type: PZ Zoning - Discuss and Recommend Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
On agenda: 10/27/2021
Title: ZON21-00566 District 5. Within the 6400 block of East McDowell Road (north side) and within the 2800 block of North Ramada (west side). Located west of Power Road on the north side of McDowell Road. (4.1± acres).  Rezone from Office Commercial (OC) to Single Residence 9 with a Planned Area Development Overlay (RS-9-PAD). This request will allow for the development of a single residence subdivision.  Grant Taylor, applicant; DeMichele Family, LLC, owner. (Companion case to Preliminary Plat, “Villas at McDowell”, associated with item *4-a). Planner: Sean Pesek Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map, 2. Staff Report, 3. Site Plan, 4. Grading and Drainage Plan, 5. Landscape Plan, 6. Narrative, 7. Citizen Participation Plan, 8. Citizen Participation Report, 9. Avigation Easement, 10. Presentation
Item 3-c
File #: PZ 21128   
Type: PZ Zoning - Discuss and Recommend Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
On agenda: 10/27/2021
Title: ZON21-00730 District 6. Within the 10300 to 10600 blocks of East Pecos Road (north side) and within the 6400 to 6800 blocks of South 222nd Street (west side). Located west of Signal Butte Road on the north side of Pecos Road. (71.3± acres). Rezone from Agriculture (AG) to Light Industrial (LI); Site Plan Review and Special Use Permits. This request will allow for industrial development. Josh Tracy, Ryan Companies, applicant; Tucker Properties, LTD., owner.                     Planner: Josh Grandlienard Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map, 2. Staff Report, 3. Site Plan, 4. Drainage and Grading Plan, 5. Landscape Plan, 6. Elevations, 7. Narrative, 8. Citizen Participation Plan, 9. Citizen Participation Report, 10. Presentation
Item 3-d
File #: PZ 21129   
Type: PZ Zoning - Discuss and Recommend Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
On agenda: 10/27/2021
Title: ZON21-00892 District 6. Within the 4400 to 4700 blocks of South Power Road (east side) and within the 6800 to 7000 blocks of East Warner Road (south side). Located at the southeast corner of Power Road and Warner Road. (40± acres).  Modification of the Planned Area Development Overlay (PAD) and Site Plan Modification. This request will allow for commercial development. Sean Lake, Pew & Lake, PLC, applicant; Power 40, LLC, owner. (Companion case to Preliminary Plat, “Cannon Beach”, associated with item *4-b). Planner: Sean Pesek Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map, 2. Staff Report, 3. Site Plan, 4. Grading and Drainage Plan, 5. Landscape Plan, 6. Zoning Exhibit From Case ZON20-00253, 7. Elevations, 8. Narrative, 9. Citizen Participation Plan, 10. Citizen Participation Report, 11. Avigation Easement, 12. Presentation
File #: PZ 21132   
Type: PZ General Plan Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
On agenda: 10/27/2021
Title: ZON21-00878 District 5. Within the 2800 to 3100 blocks of North Recker Road (west side) and within the 5900 block of East Longbow Parkway (south side). Located north of McDowell Road on the west side of Recker Road. (20± acres). Minor General Plan Amendment from Employment to Mixed-Use Activity District. This request will allow for a mixed use development. Reese Anderson, Pew & Lake, PLC, applicant; Dover Associates, LLC, owner. Planner: Cassidy Welch Staff Recommendation: Continue to December 15, 2021
Item 3-f
File #: PZ 21133   
Type: PZ Zoning - Discuss and Recommend Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
On agenda: 10/27/2021
Title: ZON21-00731 District 5. Within the 2800 to 3100 blocks of North Recker Road (west side) and within the 5900 block of East Longbow Parkway (south side). Located north of McDowell Road on the west side of Recker Road. (20± acres). Modification of the Planned Area Development Overlay (PAD); Rezone from Light Industrial (LI) to Limited Commercial (LC), Council Use Permit (CUP) and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for a mixed use development. Reese Anderson, Pew & Lake, PLC, applicant; Dover Associates, LLC, owner. Planner: Cassidy Welch Staff Recommendation: Continue to December 15, 2021
File #: PZ 21130   
Type: PZ Preliminary Plat Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
On agenda: 10/27/2021
Title: “Villas at McDowell”  District 5. Within the 6400 block of East McDowell Road (north side) and within the 2800 block of North Ramada (west side). Located west of Power Road on the north side of McDowell Road. (4.1± acres).  Preliminary Plat. Grant Taylor, applicant; DeMichele Family, LLC, owner.  (Companion case to ZON21-00566, associated with item *3-b). Planner: Sean Pesek Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map, 2. Staff Report, 3. Narrative, 4. Preliminary Plat, 5. Presentation
4-b "Cannon Ranch"
File #: PZ 21131   
Type: PZ Preliminary Plat Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
On agenda: 10/27/2021
Title: “Cannon Beach” District 6. Within the 4400 to 4700 blocks of South Power Road (east side) and within the 6800 to 7000 blocks of East Warner Road (south side). Located at the southeast corner of Power Road and Warner Road. (40± acres).  Preliminary Plat.  Sean Lake, Pew & Lake, PLC, applicant; Power 40, LLC, owner. (Companion case to ZON21-00892, associated with item *3-d) Planner: Sean Pesek Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map, 2. Staff Report, 3. Narrative, 4. Preliminary Plat, 5. Presentation
Item 5-a
File #: PZ 21134   
Type: PZ Zoning - Discuss and Recommend Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
On agenda: 10/27/2021
Title: ZON21-00278 District 5. Within the 1300 to 1500 blocks of North Power Road (east side), within the 6800 block of East Hobart Street (south side), and within the 6800 block of East Halifax Drive (both sides). Located north of Brown Road on   the east side of Power Road. (6.13± acres). Rezone from Office Commercial (OC) and Single Residence 35 (RS-35) to Neighborhood Commercial with a Planned Area Development overlay (NC-PAD); and Site Plan Review.  This request will allow for the development of a Food Truck Park. Sean Lake, Pew and Lake, PLC, applicant; Power Road Park, LLC, owner. (Continued from October 13, 2021) Planner: Lesley Davis Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map, 2. Staff Report, 3. Project Narrative- EXHIBIT 3.01, 4. Site Plan EXHIBIT 3.02, 5. Landscape Plan EXHIBIT 3.03, 6. Final Wall Location Plan EXHIBIT 3.04, 7. Wall Details EXHIBIT 3.05, 8. Building Elevations EXHIBIT 3.06, 9. Color and Material Imagery EXHIBIT 3.07, 10. Parking Analysis EXHIBIT 3.08, 11. Traffic Impact Statement EXHIBIT 3.09, 12. Citizen Participation Plan EXHIBIT 3.10, 13. Citizen Participation Report EXHIBIT 4, 14. Citizen Correspondence, 15. Neighborhood Petition, 16. Presentation 

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