15 October 2021

HAPPY FRIDAY! iT'S ANDY BIGGS AGAIN and 'HE'S ALL FIRED-UP' ALL IN THOSE FAR-RIGHT SPOTS...and still fighting splitting his time

"This week, I spent my time split between Washington, D.C. and Arizona. I’m fired up to continue fighting on your behalf and to keep you informed about what’s going on in the Swamp. Read below to learn about the important happenings of the week:

Interview with Tony Perkins on Southwest Airlines

On Monday, I joined Tony Perkins, President of Family Research Council,  to discuss Southwest Airlines’ canceling thousands of flights over “bad weather”. We all know that there is much more to this story. My office has received calls from pilots and airline attendants from my district and all over the country who are being forced to choose between losing their job or taking the vaccine. This is simply un-American.  We are at a crucial time in our country where we can either give in to these intrusive, unconstitutional mandates or fight for our freedoms. That’s why I introduced multiple bills, the most recent being the Freedom from Mandates Act, that would block President Biden’s vaccine mandates.  The bill has been endorsed by the National ICE Council and the National Border Patrol Council.  Check out my interview about it by clicking below:



Interview with Turning Point USA

I had the pleasure of joining Turning Point USA’s new live show where we discussed President Biden’s intrusive COVID-19 mandates, Speaker Pelosi’s crave for power and control over the American people, and how the Biden administration continues incentivizing and rewarding able-bodied individuals to not apply for jobs. I applaud TPUSA’s push against the Far Left’s strategy to indoctrinate our country with their woke agenda, especially towards our youth. We must keep up the faith and the good fight. Click below to see the interview:


Yuma Border Trip

On Thursday, I traveled to Yuma with Representatives Ken Buck and Glenn Grothman to see the impacts of Biden’s border crisis firsthand. Yuma has now become a hot spot for illegal entry, averaging 600 apprehensions a day and encountering aliens from more than 80 countries this year. Yet it’s also one of the areas that the Biden administration cancelled wall construction and left open gaps in the fence. We visited one of those areas yesterday and saw millions of dollars worth of wall material lying around waiting to be installed. Meanwhile, wall contractors are still being paid for an unfinished job and illegal aliens continue to walk across the border through the gaps.  I’m calling on the Biden administration to restart construction of the wall and to put the safety of the American people first. Check out my video from January predicting this chaos here and see videos from my latest trip by clicking the images below:




What is Wrong With the Biden Administration?

The Biden administration has opened up our country to more than a million illegal aliens this year. That’s on top of more than a million legal immigrants. It has claimed the border is closed and secure while eliminating every policy that the Trump administration had implemented to bring the border under operational control.  Why? Because the Left hates Trump, and because it wants an open, insecure border. Read more about the border disaster that Biden has created by clicking below:


Letter to HHS on Project Veritas Findings

On Tuesday, I sent a letter to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) demanding answers on the recent reporting from Project Veritas that HHS may not be accurately recording adverse patient reactions to the COVID-19 vaccine. It is HHS’s duty to ensure that adverse patient reactions to the COVID-19 vaccine are being properly recorded by medical centers. The American people have the right to know the full scope of side effects from the vaccine, especially since the Biden administration is enforcing its intrusive vaccine mandates. We will not tolerate this lack of transparency and responsibility from HHS. Check out letter below:



What’s the BIGGS Idea?

This week, I joined Congressman Jason Smith (MO-8), ranking member of the House Budget Committee, to discuss the Democrats’ socialist spending spree. While our national debt is rapidly approaching $30 trillion, Democrats are trying to pass a $1.2 trillion dollar “so-called” infrastructure package and a $3.5 trillion reconciliation package. Both packages are filled with wasteful spending and tax increases to offset the costs. These packages will further fuel inflation and hamper our economic growth. Click below to check out the podcast:




The Fight Against the Democrats’ Socialist Spending Spree


Right now, we are fighting for the economic and political future of the United States. This fight is wrapped up in the infrastructure and reconciliation bills that would advance the Far Left’s socialist, woke agenda and would further drive our country into crushing debt. These bills include $1.1 trillion in new taxes on American families and small businesses while cutting taxes for the top 1%. These socialist bills would give $200 billion to bail out health insurance providers and would give illegal aliens free college tuition. Furthermore, the Democrats have included over $600 billion to fund AOC’s Green New Deal projects including $222 billion to green energy tax credits. America cannot afford - financially or politically - to pass these economy-crushing, socialism-promoting bills that will affect generations to come. I’m calling on my congressional colleagues to join me in opposing these horrendous spending bills. Check out my full thoughts by clicking below:





Save the Date: Salute to Veterans


On Monday, November 8, 2021, my office will be hosting Salute to Veterans, an event honoring those who fought to defend our country. It is open to all members of our Armed Forces, past and present, their families and community members who would like to express appreciation for the sacrifices made. Click below for further details and to RSVP:





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Letters Co-signed:

Letter to Port Envoy of the Supply Chain Disruptions Task Force



Washington, DC
S171 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2635


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