13 October 2021

TECHDIRT: Stories to Read from October 2021

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Facebook's Downtime And Why Protocols Are More Resilient Than Centralized Platformsby Mike Masnick10-05-2021 3:50 PM(8 comments)
OnlyFans Isn't The First Site To Face Moderation Pressure From Financial Intermediaries, And It Won't Be The Lastby Emma Llanso10-05-2021 2:33 PM(9 comments)
Techdirt Podcast Episode 300: How Our Views Have Changed Over 300 Episodesby Leigh Beadon10-05-2021 1:30 PM(0 comments)
Investigation: CBP Targeted Journalists, Illegally Shared Info With Mexico, And Attempted To Cover It All Upby Tim Cushing10-05-2021 12:00 PM(26 comments)
A New Hope For Moderation And Its Discontents?by Alex Feerst10-05-2021 10:54 AM(3 comments)
Daily Deal: The JavaScript DOM Game Developer Bundleby Daily Deal10-05-2021 10:49 AM(0 comments)
Rethinking Facebook: We Need To Make Sure That 'Good For The World' Is More Important Than 'Good For Facebook'by Mike Masnick10-05-2021 9:06 AM(49 comments)
Company That Handles Billions Of Text Messages Quietly Admits It Was Hacked Years Agoby Karl Bode10-05-2021 6:47 AM(8 comments)
Hacked Data Exposes Law Enforcement Officers Who Joined Far-Right Oath Keepers Groupby Tim Cushing10-05-2021 3:40 AM(33 comments)
Disney Defeats Lawsuit Brought By Company Owning Evel Knievel's Rights Over 'Toy Story 4' Characterby Timothy Geigner10-04-2021 7:56 PM(39 comments)
Tesla 'Self-Driving' NDA Hopes To Hide The Reality Of An Unfinished Productby Karl Bode10-04-2021 3:37 PM(46 comments)
Reminder: Our Techdirt Tech Policy Greenhouse Live Workshop Is Happening This Wednesday!by Mike Masnick10-04-2021 2:30 PM(0 comments)
Right-Wing Commentator Dan Bongino Runs Into Florida Anti-SLAPP Law, Now Owes Daily Beast $32,000 In Legal Feesby Tim Cushing10-04-2021 1:43 PM(12 comments)
Infrastructure And Content Moderation: Challenges And Opportunitiesby Konstantinos Komaitis10-04-2021 12:00 PM(5 comments)
There May Be A New Boss At The DOJ, But The Government Still Loves Its Indefinite Gag Ordersby Tim Cushing10-04-2021 11:00 AM(5 comments)
Daily Deal: TREBLAB Z2 Bluetooth 5.0 Noise-Cancelling Headphonesby Daily Deal10-04-2021 10:54 AM(2 comments)
In Josh Hawley's World, People Should Be Able To Sue Facebook Both For Taking Down Stuff They Don't Like AND Leaving Up Stuff They Don't Likeby Mike Masnick10-04-2021 9:41 AM(41 comments)
South Korean ISP Somehow Thinks Netflix Owes It Money Because Squid Game Is Popularby Karl Bode10-04-2021 5:37 AM(29 comments)
Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The Week At Techdirtby Leigh Beadon10-03-2021 12:00 PM(25 comments)
This Week In Techdirt History: September 26th - October 2ndby Leigh Beadon10-02-2021 12:00 PM(0 comments)
PS4 Battery Time-Keeping Time-Bomb Silently Patched By Sony; PS3 Consoles Still Waitingby Timothy Geigner10-01-2021 7:39 PM(37 comments)
Top Publishers Aim To Own The Entire Academic Research Publishing Stack; Here's How To Stop That Happeningby Glyn Moody10-01-2021 3:30 PM(17 comments)
Tampa Bay PD's 'Crime-Free Housing' Program Disproportionately Targeted Black Residents, Did Nothing To Reduce Crimeby Tim Cushing10-01-2021 1:46 PM(18 comments)
Against 'Content Moderation' And The Concentration Of Powerby Niels ten Oever10-01-2021 12:20 PM(13 comments)
Ken Popehat White (Again) Shows How To Respond To A Completely Thuggish Legal Threat Letterby Mike Masnick10-01-2021 10:51 AM(33 comments)
Daily Deal: Meshforce M3 Mesh Wi-Fi Systemby Daily Deal10-01-2021 10:46 AM(1 comments)
Blumenthal's Finsta Debacle: It Remains Unacceptable That Our Politicians Are So Clueless About The Internetby Mike Masnick10-01-2021 9:24 AM(52 comments)
The 'Digital Divide' Didn't Just Show Up One Day. It's The Direct Result Of Telecom Monopolizationby Karl Bode10-01-2021 6:14 AM(11 comments)
Facebook: Amplifying The Good Or The Bad? It's Getting Uglyby Nirit Weiss-Blatt10-01-2021 3:15 AM(19 comments)
Copyright Continues To Be Abused To Censor Critics By Entities Both Big And Smallby Timothy Geigner9-30-2021 8:02 PM(13 comments)

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Earth and Space may not be as separate as they look

When lightning strikes, the electrons come pouring down.  In a new study, researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder, led by an under...