Friday, February 10, 2023

Biding His Time. . .

 This is the Democratic Party’s catch-24: Biden will run as long as he doesn’t see any plausible alternative, but as long as he’s running, it’s impossible for any alternative to arise. 

Most Democrats don’t want Joe Biden to run for president again in 2024. And yet, as things look now, most Democrats are likely to vote for Joe Biden to run for president again in 2024.

Biden has a few reasons for running: He seems to enjoy being president. His administration has already been more successful than many people expected, though this also gives him a reason to retire gracefully. But nothing motivates Biden more these days than turning back the threat to American democracy that he sees posed by Donald Trump and his heirs, and Biden worries that there is no Democrat who could marshal the same coalition he led in 2020 to defeat Trump. 

As Biden plugs along and makes clear his intention to run, leaders in the Democratic Party have coalesced around him, some excitedly and others more grudgingly. But voters are still not buying it. An AP/NORC poll this week found that just 37 percent of Democrats want him to run again. A Washington Post/ABC News poll was even worse, with only 31 percent of Democrats hoping for a Biden encore and 58 percent wishing for another candidate. These results are not simply reflections of the particular moment—in fact, his approval numbers are the best they’ve been since about the end of 2021. Yet voters have consistently been cool on a second term.

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